What do your Beardies do while you VACATION!?!

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Hatchling Member
Okay....so I have only had my dragons for about 5 months now. My family goes on a family reunion camping trip every summer. It is not possible for me to bring the dragons with me....WHAT DO I DO!?!

I do not know of anyone who would feel comfortable feeding them and cleaning up their poop...turning their lights on and off ( guess I could put that on a timer). I would be SO AFRAID that they would accidentaly let them out or their tank (it opens in the front) and they were be too afraid to pick them up and put them back in....and WHAT IF MY CAT GETS AHOLD OF THEM!?!

What do you guys all do when you are away for a few days?!?!


Hatchling Member
I always try to take my dragon with me, but in your case I think you should find someone to look after your dragon.
How long is your vacation? if it's only a few days (2-4) days I think they should be fine alone. As long as you have a timer for their light and heat. Put a bunch of their veggies and soak it with water.
My dragon food dish is a shallow clear glass bowl, but it is tall enough so superworms cannot climb out.
If I have to go for a few days (2-3 days), I just put some superworms, chopped veggies and water in the bowl. It took a while to get my dragon get used to the bowl (she usually has a typical store bought dish, the one that look like a rock. But it is impossible to put the superworms there). But now she knows that the glass bowl is her food source.
Good luck!


Extreme Poster
If you are close enough to me, I do Dragon Sit, for a small roach fee... lol...Just kidding...
I have the room to house an adult, in a 40 Breeder I keep empty just for that purpose.
I also gecko sit...
I have an Awesome Vet, that is available to me with a call. I also have access to the best feeders, Dubias... I'll send your babies home.. spoiled...
I am also an organic gardener, and raise most of the veggies and fruits my own children eat.
The month of April is blocked out, as I have a dragon coming to visit for two weeks... other than that... send me an email ;)


Extreme Poster
My Poopers take to the streets in a mini cooper made to look like a pirate ship.
They terrorize the nieghbors and pilage the local petshops!!


Extreme Poster
TheWolfmanTom":e1d89 said:
My Poopers take to the streets in a mini cooper made to look like a pirate ship.
They terrorize the nieghbors and pilage the local petshops!!

lmao :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :laughhard:

I have a pet sitter look after any of mine that are awake. Though as a rule when we go on vacation the dragons are out for the count. Pet sitter still looks in on them but thats all she has to do (well that and take care of the damn cats lol)


junebug82":70081 said:
Okay....so I have only had my dragons for about 5 months now. My family goes on a family reunion camping trip every summer. It is not possible for me to bring the dragons with me....WHAT DO I DO!?!

I do not know of anyone who would feel comfortable feeding them and cleaning up their poop...turning their lights on and off ( guess I could put that on a timer). I would be SO AFRAID that they would accidentaly let them out or their tank (it opens in the front) and they were be too afraid to pick them up and put them back in....and WHAT IF MY CAT GETS AHOLD OF THEM!?!

What do you guys all do when you are away for a few days?!?!

Where are you located? Im sure you can find someone on this board to dragonsit...If you are near So. Middle TN Ill do it!


Sub-Adult Member
A lot of veterinarians will board reptiles for a small fee. Call around and see....even vets who don't see reptiles may board them. Also try dog daycare centers (sounds weird, but I used to work at one and we would board ANYTHING) or any other animal boarding facilities you can find. Doesn't hurt to call around and check.
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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