What do i do.? *warning: poop photo*


BD.org Sicko
I've never had any problem, they always lay if they're healthy. It can be a problem if she becomes lethargic + black beard at the same time. Other than that it's usually O.K


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I've never had any problem, they always lay if they're healthy. It can be a problem if she becomes lethargic + black beard at the same time. Other than that it's usually O.K
She's pretty active and since this whole egg thing started, it's like she's constantly black beard. She's definitely uncomfortable. We thought she was injured at first, because she kept like, holding her stomach real tight, like tensing her stomach to the point that her back was arched but that's when we discovered the follicles and she's been acting panicked and uncomfortable. Her hiding spot is on the back of our necks and right between our shoulders and she goes straight there whenever we get her out. So black beard pretty often, but otherwise alert and active.


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It does appear to have mucus but being gravid messes with them. With the glass surfing and such I'd be surprised if she doesn't lay in the next couple days.
@AHBD might can tell you more about that particular poop.
So we were able to get her to the vet yesterday and they did another xray. She said the eggs are starting to calcify and we could see one or two with a more evident shell. She was a little confused about the wiggling and said the same, she's prolly shifting them around. Then she gave us wonderful news. We probably have another TWO TO THREE WEEKS of her acting like this and I'm ready to die. She is *BAD* with the surfing and scratching and jumping off the bed. Yay us. 🙃🙃


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
So we were able to get her to the vet yesterday and they did another xray. She said the eggs are starting to calcify and we could see one or two with a more evident shell. She was a little confused about the wiggling and said the same, she's prolly shifting them around. Then she gave us wonderful news. We probably have another TWO TO THREE WEEKS of her acting like this and I'm ready to die. She is *BAD* with the surfing and scratching and jumping off the bed. Yay us. 🙃🙃
Ruby is a holy terror before she lays, I feel for ya 🤗


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Ruby is a holy terror before she lays, I feel for ya 🤗
Maaan I thought Dreki was bad. At least she would dig in her box most of the day and if she did surf, all she did was poke her snout against the glass and it was quiet. Nova on the other hand is a hellion. She scratches at the glass doors and in the corner by the door and it's so damn loud 😭😭😂


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Ruby is a holy terror before she lays, I feel for ya 🤗
So, the vet said give her baths a few times a week, it could help make her a little more comfy and I so I have her in the bath and she's like... almost laying.? She's slinking around the tub, like walking kinda slow, real low to the bottom of the tub, to where her face is in the water like right up to her eyes and she'll occasionally scratch, like she's digging. And she's just circling the tub, face practically in the water and that's what she wants to do and doesn't wanna get out.. I mean.. do I let her.? She didn't completely dunk her whole face, but I mean, she had it up to her eyes and even a little over them.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
So, the vet said give her baths a few times a week, it could help make her a little more comfy and I so I have her in the bath and she's like... almost laying.? She's slinking around the tub, like walking kinda slow, real low to the bottom of the tub, to where her face is in the water like right up to her eyes and she'll occasionally scratch, like she's digging. And she's just circling the tub, face practically in the water and that's what she wants to do and doesn't wanna get out.. I mean.. do I let her.? She didn't completely dunk her whole face, but I mean, she had it up to her eyes and even a little over them.
That is how I lost Zen. If I have to clean up my beardies now,I do it under running water. If I HAVE to soak them for something, I keep my hand under their chest. If your going to let her swim please be careful. It literally only takes a second for them to inhale the water. I was standing there and saw Zen dunk his head and he aspirated before I could grab him. Beardies in water now terrifies me.


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That is how I lost Zen. If I have to clean up my beardies now,I do it under running water. If I HAVE to soak them for something, I keep my hand under their chest. If your going to let her swim please be careful. It literally only takes a second for them to inhale the water. I was standing there and saw Zen dunk his head and he aspirated before I could grab him. Beardies in water now terrifies me.
It scares me too. She didn't like, dunk her head like Toothless has in the past, it was like she had settled into the water and was just sorta relaxing.? And her face real close to the water, but I don't think she inhaled any, thankfully. She's not coughing or anything like that, fingers crossed. I'm contemplating on just bathing them in the kitchen sink from now on or something..


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
It scares me too. She didn't like, dunk her head like Toothless has in the past, it was like she had settled into the water and was just sorta relaxing.? And her face real close to the water, but I don't think she inhaled any, thankfully. She's not coughing or anything like that, fingers crossed. I'm contemplating on just bathing them in the kitchen sink from now on or something..
Just in case (and hopefully it's never needed) if they inhale water get them nose straight down and their mouth open if you can (Zen bite me very deeply doing this so be careful) They can't really cough the water up so we have to drain it out of them. We spent over two hours basically doing cpr on Zen. He continued to stop breathing on us. We used an eyedropper to help pull the water from his nostrils (one of those little squeeze bulbs for babies would probably work also). When he would stop breating I would hold him flat in my hands and Christina would VERY LIGHTLY blow into his face through cupped hands. Anyone that ever has to do this be damned careful, if you blow even a little to hard you could burst their lungs. We saved him that night, but a few weeks later he developed pneumonia and we lost him.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
So please be careful when giving them a soak.
Oh and one more point. NEVER NEVER NEVER make them swim. Beardies and lizards in general use the same muscle group to walk and to breathe. They can't do both at once. Which means that they CAN NOT swim and breath at they same time. If they can't stand on the bottom to rest, they will drown.


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Just in case (and hopefully it's never needed) if they inhale water get them nose straight down and their mouth open if you can (Zen bite me very deeply doing this so be careful) They can't really cough the water up so we have to drain it out of them. We spent over two hours basically doing cpr on Zen. He continued to stop breathing on us. We used an eyedropper to help pull the water from his nostrils (one of those little squeeze bulbs for babies would probably work also). When he would stop breating I would hold him flat in my hands and Christina would VERY LIGHTLY blow into his face through cupped hands. Anyone that ever has to do this be damned careful, if you blow even a little to hard you could burst their lungs. We saved him that night, but a few weeks later he developed pneumonia and we lost him.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
So please be careful when giving them a soak.
Oh and one more point. NEVER NEVER NEVER make them swim. Beardies and lizards in general use the same muscle group to walk and to breathe. They can't do both at once. Which means that they CAN NOT swim and breath at they same time. If they can't stand on the bottom to rest, they will drown.
Oh god that's so f'ing terrible. Jesus christ, I didn't know it was that bad for you. I'm terrified of them aspirating but they can br so fast when doing dumb stuff. Jeez I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I couldn't even imagine. 💔 I usually don't make their water past their elbows but occasionally, I'll put it to their shoulders. They can still stand, but can also semi-swim. Not even really swim, just kinda slither around the tub.

Damn, I'm so sorry again about Zen.😥🫂


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Oh god that's so f'ing terrible. Jesus christ, I didn't know it was that bad for you. I'm terrified of them aspirating but they can br so fast when doing dumb stuff. Jeez I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I couldn't even imagine. 💔 I usually don't make their water past their elbows but occasionally, I'll put it to their shoulders. They can still stand, but can also semi-swim. Not even really swim, just kinda slither around the tub.

Damn, I'm so sorry again about Zen.😥🫂
We still miss him like crazy, but if his story can save someone else from having to experience it, I'll keep telling it.
And thank you for the kind words 😊


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We still miss him like crazy, but if his story can save someone else from having to experience it, I'll keep telling it.
And thank you for the kind words 😊
I miss him for you.!

I always keep a hawk eye on them when they take a bath but I know stuff can happen in an instant. Thankfully, the worst we've experienced is just some coughing but even that is scary sounding

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