Well I didn't see this coming, Stumpy.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
yeah i relate to that as well, I have trust issues just bc I’ve had bad experiences online thus why I’m so guarded and cautious about what I share lol. I’m becoming a bit more open though. I def trust you more than I did at first nevaeh xD. and that’s so unfair that people do that. Being different is not a bad thing at all! I love how you are open about it and not avoiding talking about it, you are totally awesome!

agreed, 100% man! 🤗
Thank you Anna! I really appreciate all the love and support on this forum!


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa

All is good in Stumpy's world. Got a full belly, a penthouse with a view, the sun is coming up.....

He wouldn't give up the bug bowl lol

Look how far forward his little legs are. It's even funnier when he sits straight up on his tail.


Not sexy leg per say, but this lil guy knows how to chill 🥰🙂


Juvie Member
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Sub-Adult Member
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View attachment 93705
All is good in Stumpy's world. Got a full belly, a penthouse with a view, the sun is coming up.....
View attachment 93706
He wouldn't give up the bug bowl lol
View attachment 93707
Look how far forward his little legs are. It's even funnier when he sits straight up on his tail.
View attachment 93708
View attachment 93709
Not sexy leg per say, but this lil guy knows how to chill 🥰🙂
Many of us have been waiting for these photos. :giggle:
Stumpy is as adorable as ever!
He looks into his little bowl and asks, where are my bugs?
Yes, I also like the photos of him sitting on his tail with his back legs stretched out in front.:love: Does he do that often?


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Many of us have been waiting for these photos. :giggle:
Stumpy is as adorable as ever!
He looks into his little bowl and asks, where are my bugs?
Yes, I also like the photos of him sitting on his tail with his back legs stretched out in front.:love: Does he do that often?
Every time he eats or if he is standing against any thing. Sometimes he sets even farther back on his tail.


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Lawrence (Larry)
I'm not. It built good work ethic and grit. My family was very poor, if I wanted anything I had to work and earn it for myself. Then when they divorced I was already self sufficient and was able to be ok. Fast forward to now and I have had a successful life and I'm happy. I wouldn't change a thing 🙂
I’m glad you are happy now :) :)


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Lawrence (Larry)
I does tend to make us wary, but it also makes us strong, adaptable, capable and gives us an appreciation for things in life that someone that didn't have to work for just don't possess. I find that I gravitate to people like us. We are most often more level headed and grounded, and less prone to foolishness 😉
Yes sir! Agreed 😃


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Well , well, well look what we have here 😆 welcome to the family Stumpy. I'm glad that you chose the perfect family . I look forward to the stories that are sure to come. You've totally made your mother's day but running into her heart. Both of your parents needed that.

I'm convinced dragon's force or hearts to create a never ending story!


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Well , well, well look what we have here 😆 welcome to the family Stumpy. I'm glad that you chose the perfect family . I look forward to the stories that are sure to come. You've totally made your mother's day but running into her heart. Both of your parents needed that.

I'm convinced dragon's force or hearts to create a never ending story!
I absolutely agree 👍
It's hard to not be happy when you have a beardie 🙂

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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎
It’s been a month since I’ve joined bd.org! It feels like it’s been longer than that, but I’m glad I’m here and apart of this lovely community!
I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.

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