Weird spots on tongue?


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Hey guys, I'm here with an update I never wanted to give.

My little boy got worse and worse. We went to the vet again and did some additional fecal testing, but the test came back parasite free.

The vet prescribed antibiotics as a last chance to fight the thing that bothered him. But it got even worse. The last days, he seemed like he had given up. He seemed like he had already walked halfway. We took him to the vet again today and he only looked at him and said that he has barely any fight left in him.

We made the decision to put him to sleep, as I had the feeling that he would die of the pain and agony either way, and I didn't want him to feel pain anymore. We lost the fight, and I'm devastated, and I hope we made the right decision.

He was my first dragon and the pet I ever wished for. I love and miss him so so much.

We had the option to do an autopsy but I couldn't bring myself to imagine my boy being cut up.
I'm sorry for all the trouble, I just wish I would know what I could've done.

Thank you all so much for your help, I'm grateful for everything you've all done.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I'm truely sorry you and your boy went through this.
And please don't apologize for asking for help, that is the mission of this forum, to help folk take the best care of their beardies possible. I hope you continue to be a member of this community and that you don't give up on beardies. When you're ready we will all be right here to help you any way we can.


Original Poster
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I'm truely sorry you and your boy went through this.
And please don't apologize for asking for help, that is the mission of this forum, to help folk take the best care of their beardies possible. I hope you continue to be a member of this community and that you don't give up on beardies. When you're ready we will all be right here to help you any way we can.
I'm not going to give up on dragons, I just wish that I could've known what I did wrong, or IF I did something wrong so I can avoid that in the future...I always tried my best and it came so suddenly. I wish I could know what the problem really was in the end.

I'm not going to get another beardie soon tho. I love them really much and I don't think I would be able to care for another beardie while still grieving for Patches. I miss him terribly. But thank you so much for your help, I'm really happy that there are communities like this for everyone to find help.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry for your loss, how terrible for you! :cry:
Do you think that they overmedicated him....unfortunately that does happen fairly often.
My condolences to you.



Original Poster
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I am so sorry for your loss, how terrible for you! :cry:
Do you think that they overmedicated him....unfortunately that does happen fairly often.
My condolences to you.

Thank you,

I don't know tbh 🥺 I stopped giving him the initial first pain meds after day 4 and he only took the antibiotics for 4 days, his health declined before that. Other things I gave him were just liquid calcium and vitamins, do you think it was all too much for him?🥺

I'm still puzzled how it all started because the initial thought was that he fell, but I don't think it was that in the end.

We buried him beneath a tree stump that sprouted beautiful mushrooms. I hope he has a save rest there. 🌈


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