Water came out of bearded dragon


Hello, my bearded dragon is a year old female. Today she just pooped on her basking spot but ive never seen it look like this before, it didn't have urate or anything. I watched it happen and it looked like a water gun, it was just liquid.

Has anyone experienced this before? The poop didn't smell bad, she's been pooping more regularly than she usually does. I have never seen it look like this before tho, I've seen runny poops but not just liquid. Super strange, I'm hoping nothing is wrong with her. Even if she had coccidia, I don't think it's supposed to look like just liquid


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BD.org Sicko
Hi there, has she had a soak recently or drank a lot of water otherwise ? This may just be a one -off kind of thing and not in itself a problem unless it repeats or if there are other odd symptoms.


Original Poster
Hi there, has she had a soak recently or drank a lot of water otherwise ? This may just be a one -off kind of thing and not in itself a problem unless it repeats or if there are other odd symptoms.
Yea I bathed her yesterday, she drank some water from the tub too. So you might be right, I'm hoping it's a one off kind of ordeal. She pooped yesterday too and the poop and urate looked and smelt normal.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I agree, sometimes a bath where they may drink a lot of water, the stool could
be very watery or just all water perhaps. I wouldn't worry too much about it
unless she seems to be acting ill. Coccidia usually causes the stool to have
a pretty bad smell!



Original Poster

I agree, sometimes a bath where they may drink a lot of water, the stool could
be very watery or just all water perhaps. I wouldn't worry too much about it
unless she seems to be acting ill. Coccidia usually causes the stool to have
a pretty bad smell!

Yea I've had her treated for it before and it stank alot! I'm started to think there's something serious going on, maybe organ failure or something. She has lots of energy tho! Running back and forth on the bridge, pooping on my stuff every day Hahaha.


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BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Does she act ill at all? She could be developing eggs perhaps, not sure. The
only way to determine organ function, is a blood test. If she is taking in a lot of
water that will definitely cause watery stools.
They can develop eggs at that age, so that is always a possibility. Is she eating
a lot?


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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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happy birthday :)

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