Viv pics only thread


votepedro":0263f said:

Are those live plants? That's awesome! I considered doing something like that but I don't exactly have a green thumb. It didn't even occur to me to use a plant that doesn't require dirt. Genius! Love the wood as well, btw.

klak1212":db602 said:
What kind of bulb is that? a MegaRay?

no its just a standard 100w. i went to my local reptile house and that is what they gave me, normally i buy the exo terra bulbs but this is all they had left. he said that there wasnt much difference between them.

i have a repti-glo 10 in the tank atm and i know that it isnt as good as the repti-sun 10, can anyone tell me what the difference is?
i do have a repti_sun 10 on order atm
please PM me


I KNOW there are a lot of things wrong with it now, but it's a very temporary tank while I build my new one.




My boys...

*Things I already know are wrong with it:
1. thermometer- I'm saving up for a new one, I'm poor, give me a break. Besides my dragons tell me if they're too hot or cold.
2. UVB- I had a proper one but it got knocked off the tank and shattered so this is a temp until I replace it.
3. Dirty glass- I havn't been able to get the mess off because it's glue and I'm afraid to use any chemicals to clean it. I don't have anywhere to keep my beardies while it airs out if I did.
4. Two heat lamps?- I live in a really cold part of Canada, and most of the time it takes the combined bulbs to get the temperature up to what they like. I have a proper hide in there, but it's behind the logs in all of the pictures
5. It's a bit small right now- I'm making them one that's going to fit completely over the table their current tank is on now. You can't see it but it's perfect, right about 4x2.


Gray-bearded Member
RileysMom, very cool :notworthy: !

i have looked through ALL of these pages and this is one of the tanks that stood out to me. it doesnt look like it was too expensive but the work done on the floor really looks great :headbang: .

i love the way you put random pieces of flatrock and smooth stones then grouted. it looks AWESOME. i think i may have to copy you :twisted: !


New member
will this viv be large enough for 2 beardies and should i have a male and female or 2 females or what? its 4 feet long 2 feet deep and 2 and a half feet tall with all the correct lighting thanks![/code]


Hatchling Member
I would start your own thread on that showing you setup, rather than using this thread. But, you will get a lot of feedback against housing two beardies together, especially male. I don't know about two females, but I think it unlikely you'll get a positive response about housing beardies together.


Sub-Adult Member
norbertbd":da57f said:
I would start your own thread on that showing you setup, rather than using this thread. But, you will get a lot of feedback against housing two beardies together, especially male. I don't know about two females, but I think it unlikely you'll get a positive response about housing beardies together.

As well as his substrate that is in use.. -mumble mumble-


Hatchling Member
You can also buy dowel sticks the range in sizes cut to your desired length make small holes with a screw gun put some tie wire thru it and bend the it to you liking. Justa thought.



This is Lenny's viv, complete with new reptisun 10 and a white basking bulb, temporary furniture but he seems to like it, except the repti branch, he seems to ignore that so probably going to go for something a little different as time goes by once he's a little older.

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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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