I KNOW there are a lot of things wrong with it now, but it's a very temporary tank while I build my new one.
My boys...
*Things I already know are wrong with it:
1. thermometer- I'm saving up for a new one, I'm poor, give me a break. Besides my dragons tell me if they're too hot or cold.
2. UVB- I had a proper one but it got knocked off the tank and shattered so this is a temp until I replace it.
3. Dirty glass- I havn't been able to get the mess off because it's glue and I'm afraid to use any chemicals to clean it. I don't have anywhere to keep my beardies while it airs out if I did.
4. Two heat lamps?- I live in a really cold part of Canada, and most of the time it takes the combined bulbs to get the temperature up to what they like. I have a proper hide in there, but it's behind the logs in all of the pictures
5. It's a bit small right now- I'm making them one that's going to fit completely over the table their current tank is on now. You can't see it but it's perfect, right about 4x2.