Vibrating Beardie?

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Extreme Poster
My daughter has told me a few times that she felt our Calypso vibrating. Calypso is a healthy dragon. Sometimes twitching is just that, twitching ormoving around to get comfy. I think it depends on the severity of it whether it is a great concern or not. Does it happen often, every day?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
No, it doesnt vibrate everyday. But from time to time, i will see him twitching his head, tail, and stomach. I was worried he might have MBD but thats wierd since I have good lightings and the temps are right.

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
If she isnt exhibiting any other signs and its sporadic in nature it may be fine but as I said if your gut is telling you somehting is wrong then I wouldnt ignore it.I dont know exactly whats going on since it isnt something I can see which is why I advised you follow the safe route.Also in regards to MBD while it is very doubtful there are rare cases where a beardie cannot actually absorb calcium correctly so regardless of proper lighting and supplements it will not actually absorb in their bodied.This does happen and can be diagnosed with a bloodtest however it cant be a normal calium test because that will show proper amounts of calcium in the blood it doesnt show the lack of absorption into the bones.A vet can do this test for you.You can just watch carefully at the moment and see if it persists further or if the symptoms increase just make sure you have a good herp vet handy should the need arise.


Extreme Poster
The vibrating thing is weird to me too. My other dragon hadn't ever done it that I know of. Calypso doesn't twitch per se and only does strange things when shedding, LOL

I hope all is well with your dragon.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thanks. I'm thinking I should bring it to the vet for a blood test as Vickson say once I get down to the city. I was wondering how much does the blood test cost at the vet?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Honestly I dont know because its different for every vet.Mine charges 25$ but I have seen them for less and I have seen them for more.
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