Vhagara in brumation?


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Vhagar and Meleys
Hello, Around the 3rd of September my 2.5 year old male dragon went into his cave to start, what I thought, was brumation. I would look in on him to find him occasionally sleeping but also just quietly resting with his eyes open. About 9 days ago he came out of his cave, yawned, looked at me with bright eyes, and acted as though he was looking for food. He refused salad but ate a lot of dubia roaches and a few small hornworms. The next day he wasn't interested in food and hasn't been since since then except for an occasional hornworm. I finally sat with him to give him a warm water soak for about 10 minutes. He has never pooped since he ate that last big meal. He is back to sitting in his cave day after day just hanging out. I had turned his heat down to about 84 degrees. Once he came out I increased the heat to 102 degrees and have left it at that temp. Should I be concerned that he has not potted? Thank you.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Brumation can start like this. A brumating bearded dragon not necessarily sleeps all the time - mine was awake (but resting in his cave) during the day, maybe an extra nap during the day but usually only sleeping during night. Also, in the beginning he came out of his cave after a few days, ate a bit, went back, until after some weeks he didn't come out anymore, but still was awake during day.
Regarding the pooping, I would not worry if the dragon is healthy. It can take some time until the metabolism is up and he poops. Experience also with my dragon: Around brumation (before, after) sometimes no poop for 2 weeks. When normally active, poops each 1 - 3 days.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Has he fully come out of his sleep phase now? As suggested, it does take a bit of time for their
system to get back to normal after they have been down for awhile. Be sure he is spending a
decent amount of time basking to help boost his system.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Vhagar and Meleys
No. He came out for a day and ate a lot of bugs and a few worms. Then he decided to go to his cave again although he isn't necessarily sleeping. He did not poop after his large meal but seems ok. I even gave him a ten minute warm soak to see if I could stimulate him to go but no results. So I have just left him alone.

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