Vegetables and Fruit daily staples and routines (Australia)


Beardie name(s)
Hey everyone!

Current vegetable diet for my beardy is

- Carrot
- Kale
- Wombok
- Buk choy

I put it out everyday and I want to change that and add different vegetables and fruit, I’m just after if anyone has any routines with there veggies and fruits and daily staples they use.

I mentioned Australia because I was hoping if anyone is from Australia they might know some ideal places and I know some names of the vegetables are alittle different here.

Thank you everyone :D

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Hey everyone!

Current vegetable diet for my beardy is

- Carrot
- Kale
- Wombok
- Buk choy

I put it out everyday and I want to change that and add different vegetables and fruit, I’m just after if anyone has any routines with there veggies and fruits and daily staples they use.

I mentioned Australia because I was hoping if anyone is from Australia they might know some ideal places and I know some names of the vegetables are alittle different here.

Thank you everyone :D
Try this website -- ignore the kale info its outdated and a good staple feeder
Nutrition Content


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thanks Kerrie! Great info!

Just after peoples routines as well that would be helpful :D

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Thanks Kerrie! Great info!

Just after peoples routines as well that would be helpful :D
Just go w / a variety you'll find he will like one kind more than others -- fruits should be fed once in awhile because of sugar content especially blueberries-- I feed collards and turnip greens on a routine basis alternating them -- squash - raw shredded sweet potato - adding in watermelon as a fruit once in a while - he doesnt eat most times

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