Vash the dragon

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Hello all,

I finally (well I wanted to for a while) started sort of a blog if you want to use that
But with the less picture stuff since my camera has been playing dead with the batteries
I keep not buying I'm sorry.
But I will be updating this often til there is no more to say, or you can post some things to
if you want. Whatever floats your sailboat :lol: besides the sail itself of course xD
Okay bad joke sorry, just feeling kinda out of it today, stupid Sunday, whyyy so boring
nevermind the sillyness or if you think I'm not funny that's cool too >.>
Here are two pics I will be uploading more soon, that's my promise to you wonderful dragon lovers out there!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Now, Rex is off to work, well been gone since 9:40a and I guess you can say I am a bit calmer than I was on Friday. Still not sure
why that happened. I've been up since 7a so it's all good. Not sure what I can do to make time faster, maybe play a game or sleep a little bit more. Maybe not sleep. My parents went off to the store and asked them to get squash baby food and some apples since I want the old man to use his teeth at some point in eating food. Ooh, tomorrow is gonna be sooo boring and it's Sunday and Rex works again 10-7 so no matter what you CAN'T make Sunday faster...I know I've tried everything. I still have
flutters but not as bad as compared to Friday's disaster. IDK why I have's weird usually I don't get bothered til it's
almost time for him to get off and see the moment of truth if he gets home by 7:30. He said I can call if not back by 7:30 and if
I can't reach him he's on a call and will call back. I feel the need to keep reminding him but he says I shouldn't he should see my
name on there as a missed call. IDK why I worry he's not delivering pizza so no chance for anything bad happening, the place is
10-15 mins away. Domino's was 15 mins away but...his job is downtown Coos Bay not North Bend. Not sure how Domino's is 15
mins it's closer to Walmart than we are. Maybe with traffic lights/traffic itself can make 15 mins with all the stops, hitting every
green light may make his job (not Domino's) 10 mins. Really that's all to update...then again nothing you all hadn't read before but it's a blog and not sure what else to say as Vash doesn't do much.


Sub-Adult Member
Dreamwritten":2e604f8c said:
NEROtheMONSTER":2e604f8c said:
I am in middle school (7th grade).The 7th graders are a little worse than the 8th graders in some ways.High school does seem a little better.

Wow Nero, I had no idea! You're very mature.

I remember 7th grade like it was yesterday. I'm 22 now, but I wouldn't go back to that age for anything. It was horrid! The kids get especially mean around that age. But, in my experience, everyone calms down a bit by 8th grade.

You'll be okay. Just smile and know that it's almost over! And, soon, you'll be in high school where you can be more selective about who you spend your time with. Who knows, maybe you'll meet some other herp enthusiasts! :wink:

Thanks,i hope that happens .I am very different from everyone else at school.I think differently.


Juvie Member
NEROtheMONSTER":14yfiz5z said:
Thanks,i hope that happens .I am very different from everyone else at school.I think differently.

It will. I was different, too. In some good ways, in some bad, but if your classmates are anything like the 7th graders I'm seeing around nowadays... it's good that you're different. I'm only 10 years older than you and already it seems like a huge generation gap with the way kids act. They weren't exactly angels when I was in middle school, but seeing them now, I'm just like... "what?"

You seem awesome, smart and mature. Don't let anyone bring you down. ;)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Almost time for Rex to get off of work. I have about 5 mins before I do anything and I realized Dad took the trash and did the
dishes D: I was saving those for when I start to clean now I gotta do something else. There isn't much to do tomorrow I know
that and I have to get myself occupied tomorrow evening. It's also foggy outside but I don't think it's that bad you can still see
but morning fog you can't see, I drove with my BF and Mom once in the fog it didn't seem so bad. Also happy that he's about
to get off work...just hope no callers right now. I want him home by 7:30 and sorry about ranting instead of ranting on my
lizard. He had lunch and I skipped his dinner as he appears to be sleeping and IDK if he wants to wake up. I saw the lights
on the road leading to our house and it looks dark just with 2 pairs of streetlights on the side, now I lived here long enough
to know if there was no lights along the road or not besides those 2...but I honestly can't remember. So darn it...anyway it's time to clean and I HOPE he's off now.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
He was on a long call and ended up calling me at 7:23, he was home by 7:40, that's cool some people choose to call right
before closing time, like 6:50 or something. It's cold tonight I did the kitty box as he was making himself dinner. He did inform
me when he came inside that it's 43* outside. It's going to keep getting cold no wonder we get fog it burned off now so no
fog til tomorrow night I'm sure unless it rains then no fog. So we have to keep an eye on the roads as it gets nasty up the hill by our house. Thick cloud but the road is okay. So now it's Rex home for 14 hours then back to work but tomorrow is his Friday
he worked 6 days this week, minus skipping the 7th which would have been 7 days. I'll be happy when tomorrow is over and he's home and we can spend 48 hours together. That's all til tomorrow, IDK if the tree will be up everyone but Rex is home tomorrow and IDK if they want to do it without him.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Rex is at work now, poor guy has a headache behind his eyes and I worry about that. He shook his head this morning and it
got started that way. He took 2 Advil this morning I guess he should be okay he did say not as bad as this morning so now I have
to wait til 7:30 to call even though he called me last night so same thing will happen tonight if not off at 7:05p. Our tree is up..
but no ornaments I think we're waiting for everyone else to get up, me, Dad and Rex are up right now but Rex can't help with
the tree he's at work til 7. I will save him dinner since we make it at 5. I won't be eating of course I will be too worried to eat
just how it works when I know he is hurting, but I will do my best not to call on his lunch ( I guess good thing I don't know it when it is LOL) I will do my best not to worry, I did make him promise me nothing to worry about and he said "There's nothing to worry about"..he didn't seem so happy about that but who would when you're in pain, can't be happy about any pain. So I will take pics before ornaments and after so you all get a before and after image and I will be on my computer tomorrow and
Tue, but if this computer...messes up then it will be earlier I already started it cuz it said Firefox was still running an in face it
wasn't so yeah. Vash is up and ready for breakfast he is glass dancing so I will get that ready and update later.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Wow, I'm very proud of myself...I actually waited for him instead of cleaning things up :D.
I'm proud of myself now I must go upstairs, I did promise my brother a game challenge so
I don't want to ruin it for him he's waiting..I felt like a kid again..xD I watched the
Pokemon movie in the Black/White version Kyurem Vs the Sword of Justice or something
like that...I'll also showering late, because we had people over and Mom refused to let
me shower with people over, they're at home now...anyway goodnight all and I will be on tomorrow.
Vash is shedding so...he's a grumpier old man.

Tonja Addict
Geico is grumpy to with shedding again...has a white front and white hind leg. Emily is just being Emily today..skittering here and there.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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