
Original Poster
I use heavy zipties. I place the light on top of the screen to mock up where it would be placed and used a hobby knife to slice slits in the screen. Then i ran the zipties all the way around and through the slits, i zipped them together above the screen so the sharp edge it leaves when you trim off the excess wasn't inside with my beardie
Okay thank you, when i place it inside, at what height should it be?


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I don't have a pic, of that, I'll try to remember to post one when i get home from work


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
The t5 12% should be 12 to 15 inches above your beardie, if you give him/her multipul levels they will pick the amount they are comfortable at.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Only on the sides, the uvb fits perfectly in the middle but im gonna place it inside anyways. Tho i do not know how to install it inside...
If your placing inside directly above the basking decor 12-15 inches


Original Poster
I would put it on the right hand side with the branch, i would also put the basking on the side.
Sorry for a very late response, i placed my heat lamp inside the terrarium and the surface temps on the basking spot was very high. Ive managed to lower the temps to 107 - 110 exactly under the lamp but the temps around are low 80's and high 80's. I have removed the sand and put newspapers instead and put some tiles as a basking spot instead. I cant really have the basking spot to be that high otherwise the temps would be too hot. There is more stuff to put inside the tank aswell. Everything is temporary and im even thinking of buying a reptizoo terrarium in like 3 months. Im not really proud of this tank. How should i place the uvb now that the dome is inside and is pretty big? I really need help and im struggling pretty big to get everything right.


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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Sorry for a very late response, i placed my heat lamp inside the terrarium and the surface temps on the basking spot was very high. Ive managed to lower the temps to 107 - 110 exactly under the lamp but the temps around are low 80's and high 80's. I have removed the sand and put newspapers instead and put some tiles as a basking spot instead. I cant really have the basking spot to be that high otherwise the temps would be too hot. There is more stuff to put inside the tank aswell. Everything is temporary and im even thinking of buying a reptizoo terrarium in like 3 months. Im not really proud of this tank. How should i place the uvb now that the dome is inside and is pretty big? I really need help and im struggling pretty big to get everything right.
The basking light is too close -- it should not be closer than 6" -- please put it on top of the screen and get a digital probe thermometer place it on the spot where he is going to bask -- for a baby 105-110 for a 6 month old and up 95-100-- what is the screen on the tank ? wide holed or a fine screen like a screen door ? Also I would shop around for tanks -- glass tanks are really heavy -- we can post some links for tanks for you


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I agree with Karrieree i would put the uvb back where it was and the basking on top of the screen beside it.
Also I'm not a big fan of newspaper, a lot of folk say it's ok but unless it's dried out for a substantial amount of time, the ink is very strong. Beardies have a simple respotory systen, it may irritate them. I have breathing problems myself, i can't even read a newspaper, the ink lights me up, i suspect it's the same for beardies. Paper towels would be a much better option.


Original Poster
Placing the heat lamp on top doesnt work for me, i get low temps. Ive tried basically everything at this point. The heat lamp is 11 inches away from the basking spot. Seems like the only option is buying a new tank. The temp on the other side is also too low. The heat doesnt really get there.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Placing the heat lamp on top doesnt work for me, i get low temps. Ive tried basically everything at this point. The heat lamp is 11 inches away from the basking spot. Seems like the only option is buying a new tank. The temp on the other side is also too low. The heat doesnt really get there.
Please get a temp w/ a digital probe thermometer -- that is going to give accurate temps and tell you what needs to be done - you dont want to get a higher bulb before getting an actual temp-- the bulb looks alot closer than 11" -- how tall is the tank you have now?


Original Poster
Please get a temp w/ a digital probe thermometer -- that is going to give accurate temps and tell you what needs to be done - you dont want to get a higher bulb before getting an actual temp-- the bulb looks alot closer than 11" -- how tall is the tank you have now?
It is 24 inches i believe


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I'm sorry i don't remember if you said what wattage basking bulb you use. If it's to cool placed onto of the screen, you can increase the wattage of the bulb to make it warmer.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
It is 24 inches i believe
Ok so w/ the 24 inches your UVB should be in the tank w/ a distance of 12-15 inches directly above the basking decor ---inside the tank --- the basking bulb can be a 150 watt but before you use that bulb please get a digital probe thermometer and get the surface basking temp -- right now I see no temp gauges at all


Original Poster
I'm sorry i don't remember if you said what wattage basking bulb you use. If it's to cool placed onto of the screen, you can increase the wattage of the bulb to make it warmer.
I have 150 and 100 w, ive tried with both hanging from the ceiling so its not directly on the glass but does not work good.


Original Poster
Ok so w/ the 24 inches your UVB should be in the tank w/ a distance of 12-15 inches directly above the basking decor ---inside the tank --- the basking bulb can be a 150 watt but before you use that bulb please get a digital probe thermometer and get the surface basking temp -- right now I see no temp gauges at all
isnt the dome gonna block the uvb if i place it directly above? Or am i suppose to put it on the sides??


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
isnt the dome gonna block the uvb if i place it directly above? Or am i suppose to put it on the sides??
No sides-- place the UVB behind the basking dome if you can and have the basking decor so its under both of them -

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