Uromastyx, does any one know?

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Hi everyone, i was planning on getting a beardi (i really wanted one) but i cannot afford to feed it insects only vegies and fruits. So i found a lizard pet thats strictly vegetarian: the Mali Uromastyx. But the thing is im not 100% sure how to care for one. Help? What lighting does it need? How much food do u let a baby and or adult eat? What about substrates? Are they all the same like beardies? I here they beed the same tank sizes, and places to hide under. Thank you in advance!


Juvie Member
So.. lights.. UV for sure.. and heat. They need a significantly higher basking spot than a bearded dragon. A basking spot between 125-130 would be good. My uro has a large slate tile.. the middle is around 135, and it gradually lowers out to about 110 at the edges.

Let a baby eat as much as it wants.. same as an adult.

Substrate.. solid rocky surface is good. I use slate tiles from Lowes.

They are not all the same.. there are several difference species and they vary in size. A mali uromastyx is a mid sized species.

They do not need the same tank sizes as a beardie. Only the smallest of uromastyx can stay in a 40g tank. An Egyptian would need a house that's at least 8 feet by 4 feet. A mali would probably live ok in a house thats 4 feet by 2 feet.

They need several hides.. and they like super low profile hides. They like to feel the floor on their belly and the roof on their backs.
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