Update I have made the decision about "quality of life"

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My dragon Kacey has ADV and has been deteriorating neurologically.

This is a very long post just to warn you! I posted about this same issue with this same dragon July of last year but she has gotten worse.

She was reportedly hatched around March 5, 2013 but I think that date is off about a month or so. I think she is older. I have the first picture of her starting walking on the back of her hands in July 27, 2013. Her regular doctor at that time talked to me about quality of life and when to decide about putting her down. She talked to me about people she knew who would keep them and hand feed them for a while. At that time I put the carpet like flooring on her floor to give her traction as she was slipping around with paper towels.

In October she was still able to climb onto her half log and a very low basking platform. Although she didn't have full control of her arms and legs she was still able at that time to prop herself up use them to get around. All this time she had been eating her greens, hornworms and roaches on her own.

About 3 to 4 weeks ago it was getting worse. I had her to the Vet 12/22, she saw a different vet because mine is out on maternity leave. He gave me food to mix to tube feed her and mentioned that he saw my vet had talked about when to decide to put her down. He stated that he could see that that might not be necessary just yet if I didn't want to.

I was tube feeding her for about a week. For some reason a few days ago I put her up on her low basking platform and gave her a hornworm and she ate it. She was also able to eat some roaches if I offered them to her close to her face. If she was on the ground and I put the greens right in front of her face she would eat them. I realize now that another change that had happened is up until a couple of weeks ago she was still able to head bob at one of my other dragons. She is not able to do that now and I see that now within the last week she cant use her arms or legs consistently. She is just "slithering" around like a snake to move around the tank. She is active doing that to move around the tank not just staying in one place. I noticed also now she will end up upside down, but she has still been able to get herself flipped back over. The vet told me she is not in pain. She is still able to lift her head up but just from her neck. Her front arms are most constantly flat back along the side of her body But at time she is able to use them a bit, but it is mostly using her rear legs and body to move.

Since this is getting progressively worse kind of quick I am now wondering what to do. She is kind of weight appropriate as she weighs 314g and is just under 17". The Dr didn't say she had MBD and that she wasn't dehydrated. The last weight I had for her previously was 10/26 and she was 322g. I am thinking that she has lost weight due to not being able to eat regular now. I worry because I have a busy schedule and everyone else is able to have their greens in the tank to eat through the day and when I come home at different times during the day they get fed their insects. I have odd hours and am home at different times. I don't have a regular schedule for the week where I could feed her at set times.
I am also worried about the fact that since she is just flat as a pancake now I don't want her to have digestive issues since she is not able to get back and forth to bask when she needs to on her own. I teach at university and I am home on winter break so I have the time to do more, but spring session starts on the 12th at one of my schools.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure if this is the time to think more seriously put her down. I don't know anyone who could take her who is able to take more care of her more frequently. She seems to get frustrated a lot, especially when she flips over she will make her beard black. She also hasn't pooped in a while. I plan to give her a bath to help out with that. When she was pooping they were proper poops, not too runny and with white urates.

I am open to any suggestions or comments. I am at a loss of what to do. :cry:



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Jacqui,

I am so sorry about Kacey. That is such a hard question & I am sorry you are having to consider it at all for her.
I did send you a PM with another suggestion too.
These neurological issues are starting to become more prevalent with adeno for some reason & I am not sure why. Unless environmental stimuli has caused some trouble, too.
Are you giving liquid calcium too in case she could have calcium absorption issues?
Remind me which UVB you use also?

If she is still having good days & doesn't appear to be in pain, you can take your time & ponder things a little more. Do you have anyone who can help out more for you? I wish I could take her but can't right now.
Bless you. I will be thinking about you both. It is never easy to have to think about these things. :cry:



Original Poster
I have come to the derision that I have to do something serious with Kacey. We are doing liquid feedings daily and she is getting fluids at the vet every other day. She has not gained any weight and she is starting to look unhappy. She is upside down a lot and she is not sleeping well at night as I see her move around the tank all night. She is also ending up upside down more often even though she is able to flip back over eventually.

I have come to the conclusion that I have 2 options. I need to find someone who is able to take Kasey or I need to have her put to sleep. I have an appt today to have fluids and a feeding at the vet, but I made an appt for my vet for Thursday morning to discuss and possibly have Kacey put to sleep. I'm actually leaning more towards the putting her to sleep as I would also not be willing to ship her as I don't think that would be healthy for her and way too stressful. I'm in New Jersey near Philadelphia area.
Here is a pic of her from now.

Granted she is still sleepy and hadn't fully warmed up yet. She is able to lift her head and scootch around her tank but the textured carpeting I have in to give her traction is rubbing her scales on her underside.
She still looks around at things but I don't think it's good the ways she is living anymore.
The more I type about it I think that putting her to sleep is the best option. Someone taking her would also take the risk because she is ADV positive. She doesn't have MBD or parasites but her last blood work a week ago showed some kidney issues.
Yes I think I know what I need to do. I am just waiting until Thursday because my regular vet isn't back in until then.


BD.org Addict
Aww, poor Kasey - she looks so wasted away :(

I hate to be so blunt but I can't find other words... even if you find someone you trust with her medical needs it sounds like it's only prolonging her life, rather than providing her a chance at a good one (and not for lack of trying as it's clear you've been so dedicated to helping her). It's a deeply personal decision, but that's the philosophy I personally use. I'm sad for you both being faced with this situation - I wish you the best.


Original Poster
Yes I'm at the vets now to give her fluids and I emailed our vet and she said not to wait if it's that bad so instead of fluids we're going to do it now.
It is for the best.


BD.org Addict
Jacqqui":nfjq89or said:
Yes I'm at the vets now to give her fluids and I emailed our vet and she said not to wait if it's that bad so instead of fluids we're going to do it now.
It is for the best.
My condolences to you, even when it's for the best I know it's never easy.


BD.org Sicko
Hi Jacquii...I'm sooooo sorry that you have to go through this. I agree with Tater that you really put your whole heart in to trying to help her, and gave her the best chance . You are making the right decision, but I know how hard it is. All my heartfelt sympathy to you.
So sorry. You did your best. That is all you can do. It's better to help her be at peace rather than waiting till she is in pain. She couldn't ask for better care.


Original Poster
Thank you all for the well wishes. This has been very hard, harder than I though. I have lost many animals in my life but I realized this was the first time I had to make the decision to have them put to sleep.
This has been a rough end to what should have been a good week. My and one of my other beardies Kaden's birthday was yesterday. I was so happy to be able to get her having been born on the same day I was! Then I had to do this. I think the worse part is coming home and seeing the empty tank. I kind of put off coming home but there was no avoiding it.

I also was not aware of how the process went with reptiles. I know with other animals they give them a shot and that's it. Here they say that they watch them for at least 24 hours to make sure they have passed because their heart rates can go so low. They want to make sure that they have actually passed and then they do a Doppler to make sure that there is no sign of life. I know that is being thorough but it was a bit unsettling to know that it wasn't immediately over. I am having her cremated so I can have her here.

As you all have said it was for the best. It really hit me when I looked at that pic I took this morning to show you all. Thanks for your well wishes.
Here she is the first day she came home. This is what I will remember.



BD.org Addict
I am so sorry this happened. :cry: She was so healthy looking when she was tiny. As you know, you did the right thing letting her go. Kacey is resting peacefully, waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.


Juvie Member
You did what was best for her by letting her go. He pain is over and she is at peace. I'm so sorry to hear about this, I know how hard it is to lose a beardie.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Jacqui,

I am so sorry you lost your girl, Kacey. She was beautiful. :cry: She will always be with you & she isn't in pain anymore now. I know how devastating & painful it is.

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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