Unsure of eggs


New member
Hi I have a female bearded dragon that I bred with my male. She laid a clutch of eggs and I'm not certain they're fertile. I have quite a bit of experience breeding them but I've never been unsure of a clutch before. The eggs came out decent looking they were white and semi plump but no sign of an embryo except in one and it was faint. I decided to give them a chance and put them in the incubator expecting them to deflate and be bad. Well now it's day 11 and they look great nice and plump and I would say double the size of day one. All signs lead to fertile except still no sign of an embryo. Has anyone had a similar experience and ended up with babies or did they eventually shrivel and go bad?


BD.org Sicko
Hi there, they don't usually double in size in 11 days so it might just seem that wat, maybe plumped a little. Right now you would be looking for a feint, pinkish ring with possibly just a few tiny veins branching out. When the room is dark, use a small penlight close to the eggs and you will see that but even if you're not sure , keep them incubating and if they're fertile you'll know it in time. Can ypu post pics of them ?


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Ill get better pics when I get home


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O.K, yeah those may or may not be but using the penlight in the dark should show something.
I don't think they are fertile they just started going bad out of no where there's 10 left now but I still don't see any pink or red when I candled them just yellow. What a bummer 😞


BD.org Sicko
O.K, thanks for the update. I know you're disappointed , that's the way it goes sometimes.
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