Unfortunate News regarding Solar Glo MVB

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BD.org Sicko
MaryAnn they started selling the Solar Glo's in the black and silver box here locally in about October of last year...just about the time I began to have issues with the bulb. "Professional Series" my hinny. One of Exo-terra's distributors here told me that only the box had changed. However we have seen that isn't true.

I agree with Tracie on the Fluker's or any Chinese made bulbs...(when you see me post about generic MVB's Im referring to chinese made bulbs.)


Sub-Adult Member
fresnowitte":20nvs21s said:
"Professional Series" my hinny. One of Exo-terra's distributors here told me that only the box had changed. However we have seen that isn't true.

I agree with Tracie on the Fluker's or any Chinese made bulbs...(when you see me post about generic MVB's Im referring to chinese made bulbs.)
Barbara, such talk! :) I'd laugh except it's really not a funny business. i remember when the Exo-Terra Repti Glo's changed from 8.0 to 10.0 and we started seeing problems. The 8.0s, which had been reliable, were made in Japan. The 10.0s were made in China. :(

As far as Fluker's product, I have some of the dome type light fixtures for my MVBs and CHEs, but I used their cricket food when I first started buying crickets, and the crickets would always be dead within a few hours, and not because Fib ate them. I switched to the Nature Zone products, and have never had a problem since then. I am not ready to trust their bulbs. I want the numbers, and I am glad to see that Ashley, Chuey and Tracie are looking at these bulbs now. If they actually test out alright, at least it's another option for us.

I have a neighbor who may actually have a UV tester, and I'll try to check with him tomorrow. If I can borrow one, I'll test all my bulbs, and send along the numbers.


BD.org Sicko
Barbara, such talk! :) I'd laugh except it's really not a funny business.
Sorry that was the nicest language I could find... it really is not funny...it's so frustrating when we try to do what is best for our beardies and purchase these not so cheap bulbs/produces only to have them be junk/harmful. I still have 15, a small gold mine if they were any good, of Solar Glos sitting in boxes that are brand new to 1 month old. Oh not to mention the PowerSuns that I boxed up when I had issues with Bender and his 100watt 2 years ago. I'm very tired of throwing money out the window...as I know you all are. Mostly I'm fed up with putting my beardies in harms way because a company that is suppose to be reliable makes changes to their produces and don't tell their customers. I'm just as mad that they didn't inform their customers rather let us find out when our beardies have issues then deny there were changes.... than I am that there are no reliable MVB's.

BTW...MaryAnn if you do have access to a UVB meter then the next time you come to town you are welcome to take these bulbs and test them if any are good they're your's..if not trash them.


BD.org Sicko
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Barbara, were ALL of your Solar Glos purchased at the same time then? If you want to part with a few, I will be glad to test a few for you, just to see if they are bad which they probably are.
I am pretty sure I mentioned this somewhere, but my lucky friend up in Canada had purchased a Solar Glo just a few months ago. I talked her into buying a UVB meter, a 6.2, & she tested it recently. Darn it! The darn bulb actually was putting out 104uW/cm2~! Now why couldn't I have gotten a couple that at least put that out??
Anyway, as I have reported according to what Frances has been saying is that for some reason, Exoterra/Hagen is not putting out consistent lights which is making it increasingly difficult to come up with a "standard measurement" for UVB reporting for them. This is unfortunate because I cannot recommend them until they get their standardization up to par, the lights are just too off the boards. They will put out one light with certain specs, then, another one of the same model will come out with completely different specs. This is very inconsistent & I don't feel right recommending them until I know they are putting out the same exact specs/readings for each & every bulb, within reason. :D
I realize this is so frustrating, but, hang in there. I think that things will get better, eventually.

Do you know when/where she bought it?

I bought one (160W) back in March (installed in Apr), and my guy hasn't seen any ill effects (other than some bothersome parasites but those are gone :mrgreen: ) I'd like to have someone test it for me, since buying a meter right now for me is just out of the question, since I'll be switching over to reptisun in a couple weeks just out of precaution.

On a side note, how much are the 6.2 meters? It measures UV index and uW/cm² right?


Sub-Adult Member
I couldn't find a UVB meter here. The fellow I talked to would like to get one, but can't justify the expense right now. Barb, send the bulbs to Tracie, as we will all benefit from knowing more about the bulbs.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster

Oh too bad you weren't able to get hold of a meter!
I will be happy to test a few bulbs, no problem at all. :D Like I had said, there have been "some" decent lights, but it seems like you sure have to sift through a lot to find them!

Hi All,
Been a long time since ive posted but people might remember Jodie the Beardie who is now 1 and half years and huge :)

Anyway in relation to this bulb, ive had nothing but praise for it until recently when ive had to replace my old style. The new style being smaller and well Jodie has had her worse shed since having her, shes gone legathic, still eating well but not herself since the bulb change.

I then put Jodie into my babys tank that uses different style bulbing and she perked up within afew hours. Im not pointing the blame at the bulb, but something certainly has changed in the design from the old to the new.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Hello John,

Thank you for your feedback on the new style bulb. I personally liked the "look" of them, as they are very nice looking bulbs with a good even distribution of light from the inside perimeter. However, the couple that we had just basically produced very little UVB which was unfortunate.
I hope your girl gets better soon. What UVB light will you be using for her now?

Im not sure to be honest, what other MVB style buld would you recommend. Im in the United Kingdom so not all bulbs are availble without order. I use the MVB because Jodies environment is rather large and it always worked well. I think i might have to go for the Arcadia strip bulb 12% and get a seperate heat bulb atm.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Hello John,

Well, Arcadia has put out a MVB which has been tested for effectiveness via UVB meters from Frances. The prototypes that were tested were good. Frances has said that they are on sale now so since you are in the UK, you "could" try that one. Can you get a meter to test it as well? She did say that there were no low wavelength UVB as well & was happy overall, with the results.
So you might want to consider that one, since you have a large tank. Though you can't go wrong with the Arcadia D3 !2% tube bulb.

Good luck.
Yeah i will look into the Arcadia MVB bulb, ive already got a UVB meter on route from a friend to test this Solar Glo, just to rule out any other issues. The vet results came back okay, so its certainly environmental issues.

Thank you for your help and ill inform you of any progress/tests on new bulbs



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Hello John,

That is good news, the vet results came back fine. Was that for blood tests, or fecal analysis?
Definitely let me know how your Solar Glo fares with the UVB testing. Does he have the 6.2 or the 6.5? That was nice of him to let you use it!
How is your dragon doing now?



New member
Hi, im new to owning a beardie and just recently purchased the Solar Glow 125w. I have had it over the tank for only about a day now and haven't noticed any change in behavior. The surface of the bulb is about 12 in. away form the highest basking spot and the temperature there is around 95 degrees consistently and the cold side stays at about 85 when the bulb is on. (no solar meter so I cannot measure UVA/UVB) I do however always dust his food with RepCal calcium which has D3 in it. I want to say he is about 3 months old, he eats all his greens and has a very healthy appetite. I guess my question would be to all you experienced bearded dragon owners/breeders is, if he were to become affected or ill from the bulb what behavior signs should i be looking for, or is his setup good the way it is? Suggestions on alternate setups? Thanks.
Hi all,
It was blood and waste tests and all fine. It could be just the fact she turned 1 and half years old and decided to become extra lazy. Appetite is good and basking as normal, just very very lazy to what im used too from her.

Not managed to test the bulb as of yet, but shes under an exo terra 10.00 strip light atm.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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