Hi there!
Thanks for checking in. The only reason that I have been so quiet is because I have been in Jamaica since December 4th and return home on January 10th. I miss my dragons LIKE CRAZY but they have a great pet sitter.
We haven't tested Hermes for Adeno yet, but will when we return home. He's doing GREAT. His eyes seem just fine now, however, I do suspect that his vision is not superb like most dragon's are. I hope that gets better, but I'm not sure. At least he is no longer blind.
Here are pics of the three dragons that our pet sitter sent us last night. It made me homesick for them. 23 days is a long time to have been without them already!
This might have been taken after his
bath, but there is a possibility that he still always has his stress marks. Before we left, he still always did. They do lighten up, but so far they never go away. But now that he's got some weight on him, when we get back we can have the vet do a full work up on him.
My son's girl, Artemis:
My boy Apollo:
They are growing like weeds she tells me. Eating a TON of bugs and veggies. I get to see them on January 11th (because they will be sleeping when I get home on the 10th.) And I can't wait and just really hope I've had them long enough for them to stay bonded with me.
Well Apollo is hte one I have the beardie bond with. UHG! I love being in Jamaica, but sure miss these silly lizards!