Last night I had my beardie out n he was running around then stopped to use the bathroom, he did started it like usual lifting his tail n wiggling his butt a lil bit but this time he lifted both back feet off the ground n his belly was all poofed up n liquid came out n he continued for a few mins w no other success, I picked him up n rubbed his belly n I felt a hard lump on the right side closer to his tail, any idea what the problem is and a solution to it? I have him on calcium sand and he has not had a problem w it before but I recently switched him to large crickets could this be the problem? He acts mostly normal except he's drinking more water and when I take him out he's active then he just stops n lays down in a safe spot, he cam run and stand up okay. I'm not sure if the lump was there before or not it feels large for his size of body