We talked to the uga vet for a good while and while she agrees with some stuff our vet said, not everything. She said he does have several serious things going on and we cant wait until he looses the 300g, but she also doesn't believe it's a "get to surgery or you'll die" emergency and is comfortable in his stability (depending on how stable he is today upon examination) to wait a week or two before surgery, if we wanted. She said right now, he has about an 80/20% chance, which is only 10% more than what Nova faced with her spay. Which, I guess, is a bit comforting.
So, we're heading to uga for his echo and to see if he is a candidate for anesthesia and if he does have surgery, it'll prolly be tomorrow/this weekend and then they'll do a liver biopsy to determine the severity and if it's fatty liver or some other liver disease and we will also discuss an esophageal feeding tube. She said it sticks out of his neck and goes down his throat and straight into his stomach, that she's done a bunch and its been real successful and other beardie owners have been greatful to have it when their lizard is sick and won't eat.
He's still trucking along, he ran around the floor a bit yesterday, headbobbed a bunch and I even took him outside to sit in the grass. He's not too thrilled to be up so early and in the car, but then again, that's pretty much Toothless.