- Beardie name(s)
- Nancy
She passed away yesterday around 7pm, vet couldn't get her in for necropsy until tomorrow at 9am. She had a few potential reasons for decline and sudden death - a mass from X-Ray being either bad parasites causing impaction or a tumor, or possibly egg binding which would be new to her.
It's expensive on top of her emergency visit bill ($224+$116), so the vet alluded that the long time between death might be bad for the necropsy (i.e. not worth it). I think it's worth it regardless because a tumor or eggs wouldn't have gone anywhere within that time, right? She was wrapped in 3 plastic bags and put into the refrigerator as soon as I found her yesterday. I heard freezing the body was bad. Does something change about the body that makes the necropsy more difficult within this time frame?
Mostly just want to see if she had bad parasites to know whether I am able to resell or reuse the decorations/tank. I know Coccidia is extremely hard to kill and would hate to expose another beardie to it (mine or otherwise). I cleaned her tank with a blue anti-coccidia spray every time she passed a stool (diluted, can't remember the name). I deep cleaned most decorations after death, boiling what I can, but one can't be exposed to hot water due to the glue. I guess I'm asking if they'll be even able to see anything worth reporting because of the long wait... Thank you for reading.
It's expensive on top of her emergency visit bill ($224+$116), so the vet alluded that the long time between death might be bad for the necropsy (i.e. not worth it). I think it's worth it regardless because a tumor or eggs wouldn't have gone anywhere within that time, right? She was wrapped in 3 plastic bags and put into the refrigerator as soon as I found her yesterday. I heard freezing the body was bad. Does something change about the body that makes the necropsy more difficult within this time frame?
Mostly just want to see if she had bad parasites to know whether I am able to resell or reuse the decorations/tank. I know Coccidia is extremely hard to kill and would hate to expose another beardie to it (mine or otherwise). I cleaned her tank with a blue anti-coccidia spray every time she passed a stool (diluted, can't remember the name). I deep cleaned most decorations after death, boiling what I can, but one can't be exposed to hot water due to the glue. I guess I'm asking if they'll be even able to see anything worth reporting because of the long wait... Thank you for reading.