Tiny black dots.


Hello, my beardie hasn’t been the most active of late and i’ve just chalked it up to a bit of relocation stress (he was in boarding about 3 weeks ago because I went on holiday) and he had been shedding recently.
However I got him out today just to do a general check on him and noticed these black dots everywhere on him?
Any ideas?


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BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Hello, my beardie hasn’t been the most active of late and i’ve just chalked it up to a bit of relocation stress (he was in boarding about 3 weeks ago because I went on holiday) and he had been shedding recently.
However I got him out today just to do a general check on him and noticed these black dots everywhere on him?
Any ideas?
Get him good and warmed up and see if they go away. Also if he is stressed still it might be a side effect. They do get spots ouje that, it isn't uncommon to people ask. But he seems to have quite a few. Keep an eye on it for sure.


Original Poster
Thank you! I’ve put him under his lamp and hopefully he stays there. I asked the guy who I’ve boarded him with for all his life who is quite experienced too and he said they most likely are just discoloured scales that they tend to get as they get older (Leo is 7 now). I’ll keep an eye on them, I do know that about 3 of those spots have been there basically his whole life it just seems a lot more of them have sprung up.


Hatchling Member
Mine is getting the same spots. He had one tiny one when I got him. Now that one is much larger, and I have about a dozen tiny dots all over him. The vet didn't seem too concerned, because they don't seem to be connected to anything.


Original Poster
Mine is getting the same spots. He had one tiny one when I got him. Now that one is much larger, and I have about a dozen tiny dots all over him. The vet didn't seem too concerned, because they don't seem to be connected to anything.
Thank you, my beardies don’t seem to be connected to anything either.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

We have seen cases like this on here. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to those types
of spots. We tend to call them freckles. However, I would definitely watch them to be sure they don't
change or get larger.
Is your humidity in the tank relatively low, so that fungal infections wouldn't be a problem?


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