Time to determine fertile?


Hatchling Member
OK, last month one of my females laid (24) for her 1st clutch. Infertile no male.
Today she laid (31) eggs with a boyfriend in her cage prior. Today's clutch, she seem a little more protective after she laid, plus the eggs are formed better.
We placed them in an incubator a few hours after the lay.
My question is what is the time frame to determine fertile or infertile.
Read patience is the key. (2) weeks is the time.
Figured someone has experience with this breeding cycle.
My (2) females have laid a total of (94) eggs.
Don't know if we can handle all these eggs if fertile!!!


  • 31.JPEG
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  • 31b.JPG
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BD.org Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
@AHBD might be the best to ask, or @Claudiusx
I think though if fertile you should see the red ring of life straight away. Use a small light to candle light and look. Mark the top of you eggs so you can put them back exactly the same or you run the risk of causing the embryo to seperate from the egg and dieing. Don't handle the eggs much.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
You should be able to determine if they are fertile pretty much right away. Have you tried candling them? The eggs in your pictures look good, all except the bottom left one which is deflated.



BD.org Sicko
Yes, the small pink rink may be seen but if you're not used to finding it [ it can be in different areas ] don't be surprised if you can't see it on every egg. You can try to see the ring but at times even an infertile egg might have a small bloodspot. In about a week or so you will see a pattern of tiny veins branching out from fertile eggs, then you'll know for sure. And as Claudius said, the deflated one will be a slug.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thanks to All
You should be able to determine if they are fertile pretty much right away. Have you tried candling them? The eggs in your pictures look good, all except the bottom left one which is deflated.

no, haven't "light em' up" yet but will do so.

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