*TIME SENSITIVE -- PLEASE RESPOND ASAP* pooping busted egg.???


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Bless her heart, it's no wonder she was black bearding. That was a friggen huge clutch. Did they say that was all the eggs now?
She is bound to be exhausted 😔
She's laid a total of EIGHT eggs since I left the vet this afternoon. 😫😫 I'm waiting to hear back from the vet to see if she thinks that's all of them


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She's laid a total of EIGHT eggs since I left the vet this afternoon. 😫😫 I'm waiting to hear back from the vet to see if she thinks that's all of them
Holy chit batman, does that put her over 40 in this clutch?
You need to take her on a vacation when this is over, she earned it.


Sub-Adult Member
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Holy chit batman, does that put her over 40 in this clutch?
You need to take her on a vacation when this is over, she earned it.
It puts her right at 40, maybe 41. It definitely explains the constant black beard all week, poor thing. I thought it was weird she went from dead sleeping all the time to constantly scratching to get out.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
It puts her right at 40, maybe 41. It definitely explains the constant black beard all week, poor thing. I thought it was weird she went from dead sleeping all the time to constantly scratching to get out.
It would be so much easier if they could just talk and tell us whats wrong.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

WOW, that is a huge clutch....poor girl, she has got to be completely exhausted! Let us know what
the vets says once they get back with you. Bless her, hopefully she will be on the mend.
I would say to keep her calcium intake on the higher end for awhile to help her replenish her levels.
Let us know how she is doing.



Sub-Adult Member
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WOW, that is a huge clutch....poor girl, she has got to be completely exhausted! Let us know what
the vets says once they get back with you. Bless her, hopefully she will be on the mend.
I would say to keep her calcium intake on the higher end for awhile to help her replenish her levels.
Let us know how she is doing.

The vet said to bring her in Monday to recheck or anymore eggs and go from there. She thinks the 8 yesterday might have been all of them, though. I cannot believe she laid so many damn eggs. Is it possible they can have a clutch, hold onto it and then form another and lay both.? That makes no sense, right.??

She's scratching to get out, like before, so maybe she has one or two left in her. Ugh this girl.😫😅


BD.org Sicko
Wow that's a lot ! The most that one of my females ever laid was 39 but she had no problems and that season she laid 8 other clutches, all in the 30's. She was fine after each one although a little tired and with weight loss.
Good thing the vet gave her the shot of oxytocin to help her getting those last ones [ hopefully the last ] out. !
Last edited:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Keep us posted on how she is doing! I agree, that was good the vet gave the oxytocin to help out her
muscular contractions since she was having a hard time getting the last ones out. She was probably
just so exhausted!



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Keep us posted on how she is doing! I agree, that was good the vet gave the oxytocin to help out her
muscular contractions since she was having a hard time getting the last ones out. She was probably
just so exhausted!

She laid a total of ten eggs since Monday. 😮‍💨😮‍💨 and she's still acting like she has eggs with the scratching and digging. I hope she isn't forming another clutch already. The vet thinks we need to get her spayed because of the issues she's having with egg laying


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Oh my, your poor girl! It sounds like she has some overactive ovaries right now. I have to agree. If she
continues this path, this much egg laying will really exhaust her. Spaying might be a good idea for her.



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Oh my, your poor girl! It sounds like she has some overactive ovaries right now. I have to agree. If she
continues this path, this much egg laying will really exhaust her. Spaying might be a good idea for her.

She's laid a total of 12 eggs since Monday and still acting like she's gonna lay a bunch. She gets her 3rd calcium shot today amd were gonna have her medical records sen to the university hospital and make an appointment to spay her.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Wow, she sure is going into overload with laying. I hope she is doing well. The calcium shot should help her out quite a bit.
Spaying will improve her health & reduce the stress on her body. Let us know how things are going.



Sub-Adult Member
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Wow, she sure is going into overload with laying. I hope she is doing well. The calcium shot should help her out quite a bit.
Spaying will improve her health & reduce the stress on her body. Let us know how things are going.

She's still scratching but no more eggs since yesterday. Total of 46 all together. They gave her three calcium shots all together. She's doing okay, she still has to be exhausted. She's not eating a whole lot, just a couple bugs a day but doesn't like the calcium so we've resorted to calcium drops in the water she drinks.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Wow, that is an awful lot of eggs. I'm sure she is totally exhausted! I hope the calcium is helping her out.
Be sure she does get some nutrition into her since she lost so much with all of the egg laying.
Let us know how things are going! I hope she is feeling better soon.


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