Thoughts & prayers for Zander...

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Sub-Adult Member
I haven't posted in a while but I've been reading and seeing lots of new little babies added to the bunch :) I've had a day full of worrying....I think I almost lost Zander today. (For those of you who don't know him, I got him last July from Petco. At the time I didn't know any better. He was 5" then, and now he's a full 15" and at my last check he was a healthy 315 grams.) He's been slowing down a lot lately. He used to eat up to 10 superworms a day, lots of collard greens, etc. He was my greedy, fat little boy. This week I've really noticed him slowing down to the point where he will barely bask. I attributed this to him maybe getting ready for his first brumation, but I don't think that's what it is now.

Last night as I was saying goodnight, he was already asleep at 9pm and had his head placed so cute on his little branch, like a pillow. Today when I got back from class at 1pm, he was still in the exact same spot. I immediately took him out, but he was really sluggish and not himself. He was ice cold, I'm guessing he hadn't moved since last night. I gave him a warm bath in about 4 inches of warm water. I put him in the sink and he immediately submerged his entire body, including his head under the water, and closed his eyes. I freaked out and picked him up. He didn't open his eyes, he felt floppy and wasn't really breathing. I panicked, started gently shaking him and rubbing him to get him to breathe. He eventually opened his eyes and was a little more responsive. In that moment I really thought I was losing him. At this point I thought the fastest thing to warm him up was to let him bask. I couldn't do much more because I had to leave for work in a couple minutes, so I left him there to bask. After I came home from work, he looked a little better, was a little warmer and more alert, but still not himself. Since then I've made him a batch of Repta-Aid and he gobbled it up and immediately looks a LOT more alert.

I'm not really sure whats going on with him, whether it's early brumation or he's just not feeling well lately....but if you guys could keep him in your thoughts that would be great.....he's such a sweet, cuddly little guy and he's come a long way :(

If this keeps up I'll have to take him to the vet, but I'm not really sure what they can do aside from a fecal. Sigh....I just hope he's alright. I'm going to keep up with the Repta-Aid every day, and some warm baths. My poor little guy.... :(


Juvie Member
i can't give you any advice or help... but thoughts and prayers are definitely in the mix. keep us updated. :?

whiskersmom Addict
Retired Moderator
My thoughts and prayers are definitely with Zander, which in my opinion is a pretty strong remedy but I would go ahead and get a fecal done. It may show exactly why Zander is not feeling well. Good luck :)


Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks guys....yeah if this keeps up after a couple days of hand feeding and special care, he'll go to the vet. Here are a couple pics from a little while ago, him cuddling on me and falling asleep :p






Sub-Adult Member
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He's a year old now, always been a bit small for his age. He's 15" now, was 315 grams last time I weighed him. He's probably lost a little weight, but not too much. Always been a GREAT eater, as a baby he chowed down on 60+ crickets a day, and now he's moved to superworms, silkworms, and occasional crickets. I let him eat until he's full. He loves collard greens and squash. Reptisun 10.0 all his life, correct heating etc.....I'm kind of thinking (hoping) it might be the start of brumation....but it just seems early in the year for that, to me at least.

whiskersmom Addict
Retired Moderator
I would go ahead and get the fecal but don't be surprized if they tell you nothing is wrong. Zander is probably trying to brumate. This is the season for it and can be pretty scary your first time around. Let him sleep, turn the main lights and provide him with a hide. Wake him once a week to give him a good 30 minute bath to keep him hydrated. You can offer a salad at that point but I would refrain from feeding him any bugs as he won't be pooping that much.
Both my dragons aren't completely 'sleeping' right now but they're a breath away from going into dream land!!! :D


Sub-Adult Member
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Yikes well brumation is SCARY then....if that's what it is, LOL. I've read a lot about it, but how he acted today in the bath really freaked me out. Isn't it early to go into brumation? It's still in the 70's here (in Delaware) although it gets dark out fast. I guess I'm just afraid to let him sleep without eating and everything, when I don't know if he's sick or just brumating. Sigh...they really like to stress us out sometimes! I'll give him a couple days and see how he is. He actually slowed down last winter even though he was still a baby...maybe he's just eager to try this whole thing out this year :roll: lol

whiskersmom Addict
Retired Moderator
Last year both of my beardies were completely out of it in the middle of September. And Sophie slept almost 2 solid months. The year before that, Whiskers went down at the very end of August, so I don't think it's too soon. Even if the temps are good where you are, they still know that the atmosphere is changing and that means the lean months are almost on them (instinctually, that is) so they need to slow down.

I hope this helps a bit in understanding brumation, this is a great thread discussing the in's and out's of the big sleep!!! viewtopic.php?f=8&t=88391


Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks so much :) I'll keep everyone updated on him in the next few days. I HOPE it's just brumation!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'll be praying that what he''s doing is brumation, too. Our dragons Sweetie and Lonzo say "Get better soon Zander, we're thinking of your and praying for your good health", in "dragon" of course. :love5: :wave: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Juvie Member
thoughts and prayers from our zoo to you and Zander . and if it is time for him to go into brumation, well we send lots of good wishes for sweet dreams , i'm sure they do dream , why not most all of my zoo does . best wishes


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thanks so much everyone :) He looked better today -- basked for a lot of the day and was a little more active. His eyes still are heavy though.
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