What would back up entail?You need back up ---- recommended
What would back up entail?You need back up ---- recommended
long tube Zoo Med w / a Reptisun 10.0 T 5 or a Arcadia Pro T 5 w/ the 12% bulb will last up to approx one year -- I can post links if you need themYou need back up ---- recommended
Yes please! Thank youlong tube Zoo Med w / a Reptisun 10.0 T 5 or a Arcadia Pro T 5 w/ the 12% bulb will last up to approx one year -- I can post links if you need them
For a 40 gallon + tank you want a 24 watt Arcadia Pro T 5 w/ a 12% bulb --- if you have a Pet Smart where you live check there or see if you can order it on line from Pet Smart -- or this oneYes please! Thank you