bearded confusion
New member
Hi, I have two bearded dragons. one normal beardie (female). one red beardie (male). I bought both of these at the same time and they were approx. the same size and age. both were about 7-8". Now it has been about 6 mo. The red male eats hesitantly and has doubled in size (barely). the regular female chows and has quadrupled in size. twice the size of the red (or more). Both have good bright color and appear healthy and active. The female is the dominant presence without a doubt. I'm fairly certain the female has been sizing the red for fit and taste (licking on the red). today after feeding the female about 20 crickets she bit the red's leg and tried to bite it on the back before i could seperate them. i put the female in a bowl lined with oats and put the crickets in the bowl. the male was laying outside but beside the feed bowl. of course im going to have to put them in seperate cages. Im interested in your thoughts on what is going on and why the red male has grown so slow in comparison to the normal female. any thoughts would be appreciated.