Hello! I was wondering if my UVB setup is appropriate for my tank.
The tank is a 4x2x2 Zen Habitat and the Bulb is a HO T5 10.0 Reptisun in a 36" fixture.
When we upgraded his tank I was told that the UVB should cover 2/3 of the tank, so I purchased this fixture. However, after doing more research I've found conflicting information saying that I should be using a 24" fixture instead. I have placed the UVB at the far back of the wall to create a gradient as I've read from threads on this website, and I've added some more furniture to supply shade and places to hide from the UVB as needed. Do you think this setup is appropriate or do I seriously need to consider either downsizing to a 24" fixture or covering a foot of my 36" fixture?
Thanks for the help! Just so much conflicting information and I just want to make sure that my setup will be okay for him.