this isnt good i dont now what to do i have no money

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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
you guys really can bring a hard working person down at the end of the day!!!

Here my thought on it.....

This is Red my male...
NO UVB FOR AS FAR AS I KNOW... FOR EVER....ok ive had him for atleast 5 months...

ok ok now your telling be that 6-8 hr isnt going to help him??ok thanks for being not very smart.

ok pink...

i got her with a reti glo coil yayayayay...thats good ok yayay....

then since ive had her (2 months or so)...okok NOTHING

now there both getting a little reti glo floresent light a day...

an soon to be getring reti sun....


then i dont care its over i will not be buying anything to do with lights for a while i promise you.

ok my life dosnt revolve around my dragons there my pet my friend who i like to look at and snuggle with.

if iam not helping my dragons by spendign a inappropriate word removed load of money of then i dont want to spend any more money oon then besides food.....and maybe some dust....

i am tired of coming on here and reading this inappropriate word removed....that iam not helping my dragons at all and how there going to die with the babies i dont need to hear this I AM DOING MY BEST WORKING ONLY FOR MY DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!its over i am not buying more lights for a while

say i dont care say my dragons are going to die SAY WHAT EVERY YOU WANT!!!!!!!

because i know the truth i did my research and i know whats going on


Gray-bearded Member
well then don't ask the questions. you do things your way and we will do things our way....let's see who's dragons live longer. I feel bad for your dragons. It really stinks when a living creature h as to suffer because of it's caretaker's stubbornness and ignorance.
TheRedDragonAkaRed":f15ea said:
you guys really can bring a hard working person down at the end of the day!!!

Here my thought on it.....

This is Red my male...
NO UVB FOR AS FAR AS I KNOW... FOR EVER....ok ive had him for atleast 5 months...
5 months without uvb, isn't good, as you would know because you've 'done your research'

ok ok now your telling be that 6-8 hr isnt going to help him??ok thanks for being not very smart.
it might help him, but it shouldn't be a long term thing, you need to get a uv for him as soon as possible
ok pink...

i got her with a reti glo coil yayayayay...thats good ok yayay....
it's not

then since ive had her (2 months or so)...okok NOTHING
that's not good either, as i said above, you should have known that

now there both getting a little reti glo floresent light a day...
it's good, but it's not enough

an soon to be getring reti sun....
you should be getting two reptisuns

it isn't helping them as much as you could be helping them

then i dont care its over i will not be buying anything to do with lights for a while i promise you.
see you're doing it again, being arrogant when people are trying to help you, just buy another light, it might save you alot of money at the vets when your dragons get MBD.

ok my life dosnt revolve around my dragons there my pet my friend who i like to look at and snuggle with.

if iam not helping my dragons by spendign a inappropriate word removed load of money of then i dont want to spend any more money oon then besides food.....and maybe some dust....
calcium and vitamin dust, calcium 4-5 times a week, vits 1-2 times

i am tired of coming on here and reading this inappropriate word removed....that iam not helping my dragons at all and how there going to die with the babies i dont need to hear this I AM DOING MY BEST WORKING ONLY FOR MY DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!its over i am not buying more lights for a while
i don't understand you, you're not doing your best, like i said before, sell some things, mow a few lawns, do anything to get everything to get what these dragons need
i haven't got a job, but i can still find the money to pay for my dragon, when he needs something

say i dont care say my dragons are going to die SAY WHAT EVERY YOU WANT!!!!!!!

because i know the truth i did my research and i know whats going on
you don't know what's going on, i have a rescue dragon with severe mbd from not being kept under adequate lighting, infact they hardly ever turned his uv on it's not a nice thing to see a dragon struggling to walk across the viv, because he can't move his back legs because they're deformed. and one little knock could break his bones. it's so sad. you don't want your beardies ending up like that.

fresnowitte Sicko
TheRedDragonAkaRed":2e238 said:
you guys really can bring a hard working person down at the end of the day!!!

Here my thought on it.....

This is Red my male...
NO UVB FOR AS FAR AS I KNOW... FOR EVER....ok ive had him for atleast 5 months...

ok ok now your telling be that 6-8 hr isnt going to help him??ok thanks for being not very smart.

ok pink...

i got her with a reti glo coil yayayayay...thats good ok yayay....

then since ive had her (2 months or so)...okok NOTHING

now there both getting a little reti glo floresent light a day...

an soon to be getring reti sun....


then i dont care its over i will not be buying anything to do with lights for a while i promise you.

ok my life dosnt revolve around my dragons there my pet my friend who i like to look at and snuggle with.

if iam not helping my dragons by spendign a inappropriate word removed load of money of then i dont want to spend any more money oon then besides food.....and maybe some dust....

i am tired of coming on here and reading this inappropriate word removed....that iam not helping my dragons at all and how there going to die with the babies i dont need to hear this I AM DOING MY BEST WORKING ONLY FOR MY DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!its over i am not buying more lights for a while

say i dont care say my dragons are going to die SAY WHAT EVERY YOU WANT!!!!!!!

because i know the truth i did my research and i know whats going on
SO BE IT! :angry5:
Talking and trying to give you advise is like beating a dead horse. I'm smart enough to know that!
Don't worry I'll never give you advise again. You burnt that bridge inappropriate words removed!

Good Luck!

May the Dragon God be with your beardies! :love5:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
thats fine i dont need it if you dont want to give

mmost advice your giving me is somthing i cannot do and ive said it many time ITS IN THE TITLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for now this is they way its going to be wether you like it or not....

yyou think you giving me advice but your not....i didnt ask anything about if i should buy another light i need to know the best thing for them because I KNOW!!!!!!!!! they dont need 12 hrs a day to be 100% heathy....i cannot be awke for 24 hrs a day to give each 12 hrs....and that would be weeird sleep habit for them..

i wanna know whats better....8 hrs each in a day or 12-16 one day 0 hrs the next 12-16 the next so on


Gray-bearded Member
If you are really niave enought to think people on this website are not going to give advice which will benfit your dragons healt, and just something that will not dent your pocket then you really did come to the wrong place. we only care for the animals and some of us make terrible sacrifices to make sure they are properly cared for, period!

You sir are the most irrisponsible owner i have come across, you know what they need, and have even been given a diagram of how to set things up as a short term fix for a few weeks, but you choose to ignore this very good (and genius if you ask me) idea, and berrade us with a spew about how you will do what YOU want and not what is needed.

I have been following this thread and feel so sad that two beautiful dragons will become very ill and most likly die due to your lack of campasion. i really feel if you cannot take care of them properly and refuse to impliment any changes, they should be taken from you!

You have seen what a response your blase attuitude to a dragons health gets you, if you really will not take on board any advice, please do not post again as it would be too painful to listen to.

From a dedicated and loving owner



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
You sir are the most irrisponsible owner i have come across

you must meet some pretty good people and miss a lot because i tell you....

i love and care for my dragons the best i can.......ALL THERE MISSING IS ONE ****ING LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

ONE.....ONE...ONE ONEONEONEONEONE.,...............ONE LIGHT!!!!!!!!

so since i spent thousands of dallars one my dragons this makes me irrisppsible??



as for the advice....ive been searching my house all day for a light fioxture for eithe the reti sun or reti glo a(whichever will fit and theres a good chance iam going to use that diagram that a few people posted.....i am not pissed at every one just the stupid nuts that call me irrisposible and to sell my dragon....ive said it before and ill say it again..SHOW UP WITH SOME MONEY AND THERE YOURSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


ps give me a break

pss give be a break

psss inappropriate comment removed.......

psssss....i i dont mean that to the 90% of people who really do heelp and are mad at me ....i do appriciate the help.....but some people on here do not care about themselfs or there family (except there families wallets).....they only care for the little critter in the cage.


Juvie Member

i'm a very devoted beardie mum, and i have just rescued a dragon from people who didn't listen to advice either! I went with out things so that i could afford to get him what he needs!!!!!!!

You said you have spent thousands!!!! what!!!!! although i live in N Ireland, our prices for uvb bulbs etc couldn't be that different from usa!!!!

If you cannot give them the proper care and you seem to be losing your temper over having them, rehome them, to some1 who will care a lot better for them!!!

Everyone here really loves their dragons and wouldn't be giving to crappy advice, they have helped me alot!

I second what Barbara said and i hope the Breadie God looks out for your two.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
This post will be locked until everybody cools down and recollect their thoughts, and until the OP understands that everybody's trying to help for the good of the beardie.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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