this isnt good i dont now what to do i have no money

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Gray-bearded Member
TheRedDragonAkaRed":1087f said:
its order....i cant get another light i will not do it iam sorry.....i cant spend this much on lights as it is...the order is made and i feelgood about it...its the best i can do if i bu another light i would need another light fixture...that anothe 100$ plus shipping!!!

a new fixture shouldnt cost more than $20.00 usd. I know a bulb isnt $80.....Where are you getting your supplies from??

fresnowitte Sicko
TheRedDragonAkaRed":50225 said:
its order....i cant get another light i will not do it iam sorry.....i cant spend this much on lights as it is...the order is made and i feelgood about it...its the best i can do if i bu another light i would need another light fixture...that anothe 100$ plus shipping!!!
Have you considered the thought of rehoming one of the beardies? I mean sense you are not able to supply there needs right now for them to survive and thrive. I'm not trying to be mean so please don't take it that way. But a beardie must have 10 to 14 hours per day of proper UVB or they will die. You could always get another in the future when you are more prepared. Again this was not meant to be mean. Just a thought that you might consider as it would be the responsible thing to do. :wink:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
39.99 for the fixture....29.99 wanna know how stupid i look around my house right now....???every dime i get go to my bearded dragons...ok i dont have anymore money for them unless its food. they got the proper lights and thats it.

everything they need i bought....listen if you have another person to pay for you habits good for you...but i dont some people have to make there own money....knwone told me this stuff when i bough the dragon....i was told he is coming with everything he needs...from a pet shop.

thanks for the help but the problem is as fixed as its ever going to be... now can you pls answer my question....

or atleast someone....12 hrs every second day or 8 and 8every day

and no iam not getting rid of one....thanks


Gray-bearded Member
well no, they don't have proper lights according to your post. You have 1 proper lighting set up on the way and 2 bearded dragons. That means you are 1 proper lighting set-up short. And as has already been said, no, UVB every other day is NOT acceptable. Would feeding you every other day be enough? It is the same principle.


Sub-Adult Member
You could use that reptiGLO on your male as long as you take the proper precautions: keep it at least 12" away and use it in conjunction with a bright white basking light.

Any home improvement or hardware store should have a fluorescent light fixture for less than $20. Maybe more like $10-15 if you get one of those meant to mount under your kitchen cabinets. You don't have to get a "special" fixture from the pet store...any fixture would do. Heck, if you ask around someone you know might have one just laying around..especially someone who does building maintenance. You might even ask your school... You never know...

Do you have a plan in place for providing 1000-3000 or more feeders a DAY to all the babies you will have? If not, you might want to start breeding (bugs) ASAP to build up your colonies by the time the babies come.

You might also want to keep an eye on Craigslist for tanks and other supplies to help out with the babies. They should be housed no more than 5 per enclosure....each enclosure with its own heat and UVB source.

Best of Luck.

fresnowitte Sicko
TheRedDragonAkaRed":c24bc said:
or atleast someone....12 hrs every second day or 8 and 8every day
No that is not acceptible it isn't enough to keep your beardies happy and mentioned you are going to breed how will you expect to have healthy babies if the parents are not healthy? You will only be spreading sick beardies to your community or customers. That is not right! An if you can not afford this required lighting for both of your beardies then how will you afford to put lights on baby set ups as well as feed the little monsters...again a clutch of babies goes thru easily 1500 crickets in a week. Times that by 6 to 8 weeks before they are ready to sell. I'm sorry!

TheRedDragonAkaRed":c24bc said:
and no iam not getting rid of one....thanks
Okay then what is the weather like where you live? Could you build an outdoor enclosure where maybe one could go outside half the day while the other is under the UVB. Then you could move the UVB to the other enclosure and put the other beardie outside for the other half of the day. Keep in mind all of the moving around of the UVB is liable to shorten it's life.
it just seems as if you're asking for advice, but when advice is given, you complain.
you really need to get this sorted out, you say you can afford the babies, but you can't afford another light at the moment?
surely your mother would buy the other one?
i've had to ask my mum to lend me money before, she always does and i always repay her back when i get it.
as for babies? can you really afford them? the amount of livefood they eat? loads of vivariums for them because you can't have more than 5 in each one? the uvb bulb and heat bulbs for all of them? you do know that they don't just lay one clutch? they lay another 2-3 aswell. how are you going to get rid of them? no pet shops want to buy beardies at the moment because so many people are breeding them, then you'll be stuck with 20+ babies who will eat up to 70 crickets a day?

you can honestly afford that? but not $40(?) for a new light for your male D:
in the end, you will only end up loosing out on money, it's very unlikely to make money from breeding beardies on a small scale.
sorry for sounding so harsh.


OK, this is my idea: Is it possible to place to two vivs right next to eachother (put some paper or something in between to keep them from being to concerened about the other dragon next door and place the UV light across them right over the basking spot. I am not positive this will work, but it may

here is a rough diagram (obviously not to scale)

(gonna make an image due to text not working
If this layout provides enough UVB to each tank I would sudjest doing it, and then have the basking right under the bulb about 6" away.


Gray-bearded Member
Signious":c12b6 said:
OK, this is my idea: Is it possible to place to two vivs right next to eachother (put some paper or something in between to keep them from being to concerened about the other dragon next door and place the UV light across them right over the basking spot. I am not positive this will work, but it may

here is a rough diagram (obviously not to scale)

(gonna make an image due to text not working
If this layout provides enough UVB to each tank I would sudjest doing it, and then have the basking right under the bulb about 6" away.

what a good idea. way to think outside the box!


Gray-bearded Member
---- (UVB Light)
|________| |________|
|________| |________|
|________| |________|
(straddle the two tanks so you get 18" of the bulb over each 1/2 -- you said it was a 36" long bulb?)

fresnowitte Sicko
They can lay up to 7 clutches off of one encounter an as soon as every 2 weeks. :eek:
I have one of those females that lays about 6 to 7 clutches per breeding season off of one mating session. :shock: In one Summer she can lay as much as 220 eggs easily. That means when they start hatching I have fresh clutches hatching every 2 weeks meaning I need several sizes of feeders, a ka-zillion baby enclosures set is more time consuming than you'd imagine. Then you must find homes for them all where I perfer to sell not to pet stores....besides they can only buy so many if you did go that route. Finding homes is harder than coming up with the money and proper supplies to to care for the several clutches. You will get to a point where you really need to empty your house of babies....then what? Will you sell them for way less than they are worth...which btw cuts the throats of some breeders that do ask a reasonable price.(not established breeders but some of the better breeder that are trying to get established.) Leaving you not making a dime because it cost you more to feed and house than you'll make off of the babies. My first 2 years breeding beardies I lost money didn't even make enough to cover the feeders let alone the extra enclosures and UVB's. If it would not have been for a nice savings account I'd have been in big trouble.

Your young and have plenty of time to fulfill your dreams of being a breeder. In your best interest you really should reconsider for the time being. Just until you are more prepared...I'm not saying don't do it at all. Just be a reliable, responsible, caring will find it much easier to sell your babies....and get the going price so your not shorting yourself in the end. Or cutting anyone elses throat. It's better to have friends in the beardie trade market than enemies. Just something to think about. :wink:

blondie098":8bde2 said:
---- (UVB Light)
|________| |________|
|________| |________|
|________| |________|
(straddle the two tanks so you get 18" of the bulb over each 1/2 -- you said it was a 36" long bulb?)
That's a good idea. :wink: For the problem at hand. :)


That is exactly what I had in mind blonde


Do this, it is your best shot (this is what 3 years of engineering has taught me so far... money well spent *sigh*)

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Okay...I am just looking at a diagram here, so if I am wrong correct me! If you put the basking lights(with domes) directly under the will they benefit from it? Won't it be blocking the uvb?


Gray-bearded Member
i think he meant next to the UVB. This way the bds will bask under the uvb and get enough of it

fresnowitte Sicko
You know guys/gals I thought about that.... it would work for a minute, but there's a reason why they tell you the UVB should stretch the length of the enclosure. :roll: And this would only be good for a temporary quick fix...not really a fix just a get by for now. Not something you would want for their entire existence.
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Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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