it just seems as if you're asking for advice, but when advice is given, you complain.
you really need to get this sorted out, you say you can afford the babies, but you can't afford another light at the moment?
surely your mother would buy the other one?
i've had to ask my mum to lend me money before, she always does and i always repay her back when i get it.
as for babies? can you really afford them? the amount of livefood they eat? loads of vivariums for them because you can't have more than 5 in each one? the
uvb bulb and heat bulbs for all of them? you do know that they don't just lay one clutch? they lay another 2-3 aswell. how are you going to get rid of them? no pet shops want to buy beardies at the moment because so many people are breeding them, then you'll be stuck with 20+ babies who will eat up to 70 crickets a day?
you can honestly afford that? but not $40(?) for a new light for your male D:
in the end, you will only end up loosing out on money, it's very unlikely to make money from breeding beardies on a small scale.
sorry for sounding so harsh.