Tom, I just wanted to say thank you for starting this thread... I have a friend who wants to breed his female beardie with Phoenix, but I have alwyas been hesitant... scared to death honestly, so i found this last night and i showed what you all had to say about breeding, which is what i have been trying to stress to him this whole time. Yes she is beautiful, healthy, well cared for, but neither he nor i have the room or hte money for all the expenses babies bring... i dont think he realized how much time/money/resources his project would take... he and i sat down and i said okay, so we would need this and this and that and that and even though we (I) would be breeding the feeders, that didnt even make a dent in the total we came up with, i was figuring if she layed a clutch of lets say 20 eggs, we would need 20 sepereate places for each of thme, 20 lights, 20 basking spots, we would have an ENORMOUS vet bill, not to mention if we could keep up with them all, they would still need daily baths, and TONS of food, b/c we all know babies eat a ton,lol, so I had to let him read this and i think it has finally hit home. He just wanst grasping what i was trying ot tell him, and it took him reading it for himself to truly understand what i was trying to say to him.... with that being said THANK YOU AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU FOR ALL THE INFORMATION YOU PUT ON HERE!!! I probably couldnt of convienced him otherwise lol. I personally am all for letting the folks that have done this for years to keep on keeping on... :mrgreen: