They're trying to out cute Alex lol


Juvie Member
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Might be working lol Woodstock is just hanging out with Hobbes, occasionally going to one of his caves then back like he's showing Hobbes his stuff lol


Juvie Member
Original Poster
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They're cute for sure, but I think Alex is cuter 😁
She almost pooped on my arm yesterday. Left a slime trail when I noticed she was getting wiggly lol Uh oh lol Had to hold her right leg while she pooped because I set her on a weird spot on a branch and she clearly had to go lol Couldn't get a good grip, but it was coming lol

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She almost pooped on my arm yesterday. Left a slime trail when I noticed she was getting wiggly lol Uh oh lol Had to hold her right leg while she pooped because I set her on a weird spot on a branch and she clearly had to go lol Couldn't get a good grip, but it was coming lol
Poor thing, my guys always seem embarrassed when that happens.


Sub-Adult Member
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My in-laws (far away, on another continent) usually have a bunch of (rescue) cats, along with other animals such as some farm animals (goats, geese, ducks currently), sometimes some wildlife rescue.

They currently have three "normal" cats along with two Norwegian Forest cats. (If you don't know the breed, look them up! They are huge, a healthy weight is 10 kg.)

My in-laws, which whom I get along very well (I see them as "my second set of parents" :love: ) and I often chat about pets over Skype. They have seen Taco a few times (only Skype and photos), I have seen the Norwegians often (also in person during the last visit). For fun we sometimes find arguments which pet is "better":
Pro for the beardie:
* no hair flying around
* no soiled carpets to wash
* silent
Con for the beardie:
* roaches and worms (that's my in-law's "con", I don't mind)
* no fur to pet (that's my in-law's "con", I love petting scales and spikes)
* isn't getting the mouse population down :D
Pro for the cats:
* control mouse population
* sitter is easy, "everybody" likes cats
* who won't like a "meow"?
Con for the cats:
* hair flying around
* soiled carpets to wash

(I love cats, too. I also don't mind the cat hairs ending up on our clothes still long after a visit.)


Juvie Member
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Just cleaned up a combo vomit hairball while trying to keep the two other cats away lol
Versus I had to support her adorable little foot while she pooped off a branch.

Pro: Beardie lol

While typing that a constant "Ma Rawr" from Nibbler seeing an escaped soldier fly lol


Juvie Member
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They are both adorable! What kind of fish is it?
Yellow lab / electric yellow cichlid male.

The females are a pretty blue with silvery black stripes.
Kind of like a big Betta. The males need to be kept alone or they fight. Females can be kept in a sorority. Kind of puppy like too. They have personalities :)
He was an unexpected adoption and I finally just got him an appropriate sized tank I need to build a heavy duty rack for. But he'll have more hides, a couple double level and a nice big sand arena to dig in :) Can't wait :)
From a tiny 8 gallon, to 20 gallon to a 40 breeder. Technically should be in a 55-60 according to cichlid keepers. But in nature they live in the bottom amongst rock piles. A 40 actually gives him a larger space that he used as opposed to more volume for cleaner water.
Big deal, I already planned over filtration to account for his love to dig stuff and create dirt clouds lol I'm already over filtering his 20.
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