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Juvie Member
Seriously boys (Bert and Ernie - my dragons) what is with the poop and smear?

I have come home from work the last 2 weeks to at least 1 tank (if not both) that has been pooped and smeared every day!!. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS? They never used to eat their veggies and have started to in the last couple weeks ( a bit) which in my opinion has helped move things along in the digestive system. SO they have been pooping more often then they used to.

Ernie seriously smears it so bad that it is EVERYWHERE - I'm even talking like 6 inches up the side of the glass.

I guess I need an easier/better way to clean - perhaps I'm too OCD - and need some help/suggestions. The other day it took me a solid 45 minutes to do both tanks with my current cleaning method.

Here is my method - please tell me what I can change: First the boy in question goes into the bathtub with warm water to soak off any pieces etc while I clean the tank. I completely empty the tank. I use clorox wipes to scrub the tank. I then use a drinking glass to pour hot water in the tank to rinse off the surfaces. I use a washcloth to mop up the water and squeeze it back into the glass. I do this rinsing with water at least 3 times. I then dry out with paper towel and replace their paper towel and furniture.

They used to just poop in one place and leave it - it was SO easy to clean up - I didn't have to do a total surface scrub down on a daily basis!

Lesley :banghead:


oh man, at first i thought "whats this person complaining about, everyones beardie smears poop every once in a while"

that is until i read the up to 6 inches on the glass part. now thats some serious smearing. my suggestion would be to try to give them a warm bath in the morning so they poop in that instead of in their tank. they smear it because they are trying to get away from it but dont realize what kind of mess they are making

Beardednoob Addict
When you are gone, find a method to block all sight of them from each other. My dragon Ifrit does this too, however it is only when he can see another dragon who is challenging him. He gets active and as a result of moving so much he works up a poop. Then it is back to the head bobbing and glass dancing... well that does get rather messy when there is fresh poop in the way. :wink:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
LOL - I'd get some MAJOR dirty looks if I woke them up for baths in the AM (I leave for work at 6:30 am) I get dirty looks when I wake them up at 7-7:30 when I'm home!!

and they CAN NOT see each other. Their tanks have been in the same current locations for about 14-15 months now - and the smearing this bad is a recent occurrence.

But you know - with it being mating season they have been CRAZY glass dancing lately - especially my one that has been "going" every day (except for today! YES!) I didn't think of the excess movement like you mentioned Beardednoob - but that makes sense. Last year I didn't have this problem - but they weren't eating their veggies as well - so I guess I can forgive them! :)


Beardednoob Addict
Your welcome. A dragons natural movement can help them go, this is something I usually recommend when a dragon is constipated (along with the baths etc..) exorcise is a good natural treatment for helping in relieving themselves. How old are they? What are their genders? I would still block off the front of one of the enclosures, just to see if it works. This is easily done with some Velcro (hook side) and and extra roll of reptile carpet or the like. Stick 1 inch squares on the 4 corners of the front of the tank and then use the carpet or like to act as a curtain. This is what I have to do with some of my males on almost a daily basis but, I also have 5 dragons in one room. :wink:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
lol - yea - I hear ya - I have encouraged activity in the past to get the bowels moving - I just didn't put 2 and 2 together this time! (works for any species!!)

Oddly - I already have the velcro and fabric I had bought to make curtains for covering their tanks for when one is on the floor and the other is in their tank (they just harass each other sometimes - I'm sure you know what I mean with your 5!)

Thanks again!
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