The No Good Lousy Brumatin' Blues

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Hatchling Member
(Shoutouts to anyone who gets the thread's title reference.)

.......Well, in my case, Terra hasn't QUITE gotten to that point yet(She's a year old, so....)as she'll still come out for bugs and whatnot, but I'm sure alot of other Beardies have hit the hay for the year. Have yours? :wink:

Just a random thread idea I had since, this being Terra's first year, she'll most likely be ready to brumate soon.


Sub-Adult Member
My two are just about a year as well. They haven't really went down for long sleep. They are unbelievably lazy these days. They get where they will just sleep for a few days here and there. I usually bathe them and enjoy them for a bit. They then start the process over. It is no fun at all! They look sad even. I'm happy to report however they are still very healthy. I want to play with them since they are awake but the looks tell me NO MOTHER!!! :lol: I guess I will have to be more patient. :banghead:


My Rex is 4 1/2 years old and yeah, he's mostly sleeping. Every once in a while he will be awake for a day but won't eat, then he goes back to bed. He did this last year until November, then slept until the middle of May without getting up except for me waking him up for a bath. I miss my Rexy man :(


New member
My boy Marcus is about 18 months old. He went down about a month ago. He wakes up if i talk to him or pet him but he only really gets up when i wake him once a week for a bath. I never thought it would be so lonely without him :cry: It is going to be a looonng winter.
p.s I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to post a picture?


Hatchling Member
Khal Drogo Hussein O'Gradaigh is taking it in shifts. He'll spend a couple of days dozing under his log or inside his turtle shell, then he'll spend a day or two out and about. He seems like he's not sure whether to brumate yet or not.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Vash is 8 years old and he's down since September...he'll come out for baby food but other than that he's asleep under his tent.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
That's pretty much how Terra's been, except it's more her hiding in her cave and only wanting bugs than anything else. :p


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Sorry to double post/ bump this, but I can safely say as of the past 2 days, Terra is officially down for the count as well. Shading her cave with her hand towel kept the light out of her eyes and thus, giving her no reason to do anything but snooze. :?

Lucky girl. :roll:
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