Terrarium Size?

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I'm thinking about getting a bearded dragon, I'm just trying to figure out everything I need and how much it will cost to commit.

The local pet store had these sort of all on one package things. 20 gal tank with lights, food bowls, sand, etc, basic stuff. PetSmart had the same for about 150 bucks. I know I need things that aren't included such as vitamin and calcium powder, live crickets, cricket food, etc. I've done a lot of research online (including opinions here) and from my friend.

So what I'm wondering, bottom line, is how long will a 20 gallon tank last me? The lady at the store said about 2 years. Somehow I'm highly doubting that, but I've heard conflicting opinions. She says they grow slow, a few other places did too, but other places said they'd take off like a rocket!

I'm trying to be as frugal about this as I possibly can, so I'm wondering if buying that little "starter kit" plus a few other things, with the lizard ending up at about 260 is better, or if I should buy a 50 gallon tank now. If the 20 gallon long tank will last me for a decent amount of time, I'd like to get it and let my pocket cool down before having to transfer to a 50 gal.

Sorry, this is really long. I'm new to this beardie thing and have a lot of stuff to ask, haha. Right now though, just how long the tank would hold over.


Juvie Member
A 20 gallon will probably last you 2 months! No, I'd say you'd be safe with the 20 gallon until your dragon gets to be about 10 inches (4-5 months old?) and after that that most people use the 40 gallon breeder or custom tanks that are 4x2x2. If you are looking to get one tank and stick with it then I'd get the 40 breeder (check craigslist).

You'll need one or two heat lamps to get the right temps and a long florescent tube uv bulb (reptisun or archadia are highly recommended). They dont really need a hide box but a few branches to climb on would make for a very happy dragon.

It's fairly expensive to start up especially because babies can go through 30+ crickets a day but it's well worth the costs in my opinion. Best of luck and im sure there will be other along soon with more tips.


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Yeah I've been all over CL. Some of them have beardies and their stuff for sale, but they only list certain things and most of them are morphs. I like morphs but I don't want to spend extra cash for an extra pretty lizard when I'll inevitably need to buy extra things anyway, like the calcium brands I want or crickets and stuff to take care of the crickets. So far though I haven't had any luck on a terribly reasonable tank. There was one but it looked really shoddy.


It sounds like the kit you're describing is the Zoo Med Bearded Dragon Reptihabitat kit. I got that kit when I bought my baby beardie, and I got it knowing I'd have to replace some things - it was on sale for $100 at the time, plus my discount (I work at Petco) so I figured if I could use half the stuff it'd be worth it. At that point I didn't realize that the UVB light that comes with the kit is unsuitable - replacing that was probably the most expensive, costing around 40 bucks. In my case, the kit also came with samples of some things - juvenile beardie pellets, calcium, and vitamin powder.

Assuming it's the same kit, here are the things I'm still using -

20 Long tank w/ screen top - My beardie was 6.5" when I got him, so I knew I wouldn't be using it long. He's 8" now, been in it for a month or so. I could keep him in it for a couple more months, but I got a 40 breeder this week so he'll be moving soon.
Clamp lamp - always useful to hold basking bulbs.
Food/water bowls - I don't put a water bowl in, but I use the "water" bowl as an extra food bowl.
Under-tank heater - good for a little extra heat on colder nights.
Pellet food - he's not a huge fan of it but he'll eat it on top of salad.

and here are the things I replaced and how much they cost -

Lighting hood and Reptisun 5.0 compact UVB - After I learned that Reptisun 10.0 tubes are the only recommended UVB for dragons I had to replace this. The new UVB tube won't fit in the compact fixture so it's pretty much useless - plus, the hood sits on top of the screen which filters out UVB. I replaced it with an under-cabinet fluorescent fixture from Walmart ($9) and a Reptisun 10.0 tube ($40)
Sand - I knew this would have to be replaced from the start, but I put my beardie on it for about three days before I could get to the store for something else. DON'T. Assuming your kit comes with the same orange sand, it stains. My guy still has orange feet and he will until his next shed. I replaced it with non-adhesive shelf liner from Walmart ($5 for a ten foot roll).
Basking bulb - It came with a Zoo Med 75w basking bulb, which was WAY too hot for my setup and indoor temperatures. For you it might be fine. I kept the bulb to use in winter. I replaced it with a 40w incandescent household bulb ($2).
Calcium - the calcium sample included is pretty big and would last a while, but it doesn't include D3. I bought the same brand of calcium (Zoo Med) with D3 included. (about $5)

So really the most expensive thing to replace is the UVB light and fixture. If you can get the kit for around $100 it might be worth it, any more than that and you're probably better off buying the stuff separately. It's definitely going to cost you at least around $300 for the initial setup, your beardie, and food for the first week. Food is the one cost I was totally unprepared for. My guy eats $5 worth of crickets per day, sometimes more. On average, with veggies included, it costs me around $40 a week to feed him, and it's probably going to be this way for another seven or eight months until he's a year old. If you can start you own cricket or roach colony you'll spend less, but my boyfriend forbids them in the house and since I work at a pet store I just pick up as many as I need each day.

And as a side note, Petco is doing the dollar-per-gallon sale right now - so you can get a 40 breeder for $40, or a 20 long for $20 if you decide to go that way. I just got my baby's 40B this week. If they don't have any in stock ask them to special order one for you. The sale lasts until July 21st.


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I think that might be the one. It was a bit more expensive at PetSmart. $150 dollars. I do live in west Texas, temperatures are currently a sweltering 100+, so most days it sounds like that lamp would be too hot and need replacing. There's a Petco about 2 hours from where I live, so I may just have to make a day to check that out. A 40 dollar breeder tank sounds like a pretty great deal to me considering the lowest I've seen online are about $60-70. But that's also an awfully long drive and about 40 dollars worth of gas anyway, so I may just order online.

I do know that set up will be expensive. I've looked at a lot of places trying to find the lowest prices and usually it's just under 300. I think I'll just get everything separate and keep stalking Craigslist.

Thanks so much for that little play by play. I think I'll elect not to get it, it doesn't sound like it's very cost efficient.
Don't bother with that starter kit, I did and it is a waste of $ in the long run. Once my husband finishes building our new viv, this tank will become an overpriced cricket house. Take the time to find the proper sized viv or build a 4x2x2 one.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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