Taking a long time to shed?

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Hello everyone,
My beardie, The Man, has been looking like he is about to shed. The problem is, he has been looking like that for about a month now, with little to show for it except a patch off of his elbow and a loose flake or two on his lip. I have been giving him daily spray-downs and twice weekly baths, which he does not appear to enjoy, because he sits very still and never moves the whole time he is in there.
What is going on?


Original Poster
His new heat emitter and lamps came in today, and once the tank warmed up, his skin even looked like it was beginning to flake off along his back. I would still like to know how I can expedite the process for him a little, as it seems he is taking too long, which I know could be a sign of unhealthiness... :(
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