Tail rot?

Came home from vacation and found my beardie's tail looking like this... the caretaker said he injured it after he fell. The tip of the tail is barely attached to him. It does not appear to be sensitive to touch.


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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Came home from vacation and found my beardie's tail looking like this... the caretaker said he injured it after he fell. The tip of the tail is barely attached to him. It does not appear to be sensitive to touch.
Boy I am gonna have AHBD take a look at this


BD.org Sicko
It could be, they don't feel much pain in their tail and often people say just what you said, that it;s not flinching in pain. Other dragons may pull away when the tail is touched just as a reflex the way some dogs + cats do.
That end part has a high chance of falling off but whether it does or doesn't it still may develop infection going upwards to the body under the scales. Sometimes a vet will amputate a little ways up from the trauma to be sure that doesn't happen. Others wait + see but that can be more risky.

There was a dragon here a month or so ago that had a few ripples in it's tail, nothing looked bad but it began to smell. Within days that whole area sloughed off in an oozy mess. So we can't say what might happen so if + when you take it to a vet, be sure they are VERY experienced with beardies and tail rot. Best wishes for a good outcome !

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