Taco with and without head spots


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Taco when he shows the spots on his heads vs. when he does not. Photos taken today, approx. 30 minutes apart.
The spots are usually there when he's cooler and has a more grey-brown back color "I'm tree bark!", and they go away when he changes to a sand and light orange color "I'm a desert rock!".
He started having them from an age of slightly under a year on.


  • headspots.jpg
    262.3 KB · Views: 63
  • noheadspots.jpg
    269.2 KB · Views: 54


BD.org Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
He is darkening up for heat absorption. He'll be darker over all. Then when warm his color will lighten up.


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Yes :) The darker picture is when he just emerged from where he sleeps, and the other one is at one of his basking spots. He sits under a 100 W lamp, it's up to 48 °C up there.
He was looking out through the small gap in the curtain and then I recognized I hadn't pulled it away enough :D (Curtain cannot be pulled fully away at this side, and won't slide easily.)


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
If i forget the blinds my guys are all cranky when i get home lol


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Can understand that very much - as he's even upset if I won't pull it away the final 10 cm :D
(I won't totally forget the curtains as the view is just so great here, and I have to water the plants on the balcony each morning. But those curtains don't move well and sometimes I just don't pull them away enough.)

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