Symptoms of MBD or RI?

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This little buddy was left at my door step by someone, tank and all. I immediately replaced his UVB with a Repti-sun 10.0 and bought a digital thermometer (the kind you point at the surface to take the temp). Little buddy is in a 55, I mounted his UVB on the middle brace so it is plenty close enough for him to get all the UVB he’s been missing. His spine has a pretty decent “C” curve to it, his front hands are swollen, but much much better since he got here. I blend Repashy, reptivite, butternut squash baby food, mustard and collard greens with water and have been syringe feeding little guy 2 times a day, every day. I make sure to give him soaks and help him drink water.

He can’t get to his water on his own. He doesn’t move at all actually. His motion range has gotten better over the past couple days though. He’s able to straighten himself out so his back is straight despite the curve to it. He can twitch his legs and tail pretty well but can’t stand or walk.

My concerns are as follows:
1. He seems to gulp every now and then. From every bit of info on here and google, decent cases of MBD can cause swallowing troubles. He for sure had MBD decently. He doesn’t wheeze, crackle or have fluid in his nose. He normally does this minor gulp after I fed him, otherwise, basking in his tank alone, he breathes normally. He will open his mouth slightly and seem to swallow fairly hard. I’m not sure if this is just him trying to finish swallowing the slurry/soup he stored in his beard or what. I’m really really hoping it’s not a RI because the nearest vet to me wants $85 just to come in the room and look at him. I’m a college student who barely makes minimum wage. I can’t afford a vet bill right now. If it is a RI I’ve read that my nebulizer machine I have to use for my asthma is able to treat him…? Absolutely correct me if I’m wrong. The solution I’m prescribed is just liquid abuterol (I know I spelled it wrong)

Is there anything I can buy OTC to treat a RI if he has one?

2. He has a slight yellow tinge to his gums and lips. Is that normal? Does that coincide with any illnesses like MBD or a RI?

3. The gum flap so I call it that goes over his teeth when his mouth is closed, his bottom right side is slightly white…? He also doesn’t have front bottom teeth. What causes this???? I bought idodine in preparation for mouth rot if that’s what he has.

Please don’t bash me for not making enough money to take him to the vet and spend $700+! Our cat just had surgery and had many many complications so I’m still paying off those emergency bills. If there’s anything here that seems related to a RI, if there is ANYTHING I can use OTC, please let me know. I’m giving this guy the best chance he has.

(Also! This paycheck I’ll be getting liquid calcium since that is easier to digest for MBD dragons. How much how often?)

This is the link to the video of his gulping!

Thank you! <3


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor guy. It appears that he has metabolic bone disease, along with possible gout from
little to no UVB exposure & poor nutrition.
I don't think you can use your albuterol for his possible respiratory problems. Let's see a
few pictures of your tank setup so we can view the lighting placement. You are using the
long tube bulb of the Reptisun 10 UVB light?
The odd swellings on his wrist appear to be gout that has developed. Metabolic bone
disease usually doesn't exhibit swelling quite that way. His gulping is most likely from pain
he is feeling.
How much oral fluids are you getting into him right now? For now, I would try to get some
black or tart cherry juice extract to help with his kidneys. I have liquid calcium on my site too,
if you want a link to my website, let me know. I can send a PM to you as well. He is in rough
shape so hopefully you can get him turned around.


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The UVB needs to be a certain distance what tube are you using a T 5 or a T 8 -- I will help you get it placed correctly - temps should be 95-100 taken w/ a digital probe thermometer NO stick ons they are inaccurate for a juvie dragon and we have no idea how old he is - apparently the person that dropped him off at your door knew you would take care of him -- thank goodness for that --- for a T 8 tube it needs to be inside the tank w/a distance of 6-8 inches directly over him --- NO clear plastic cover over the bulb -- it needs to be exposed - you can take the screen off the tank as well but T 8's are not strong enough to go thru screen --- diet should be salads every day along w/ insects dusted w/ calcium powder D 3 - and some vitamins w/ beta carotene --- I would start giving him calcium every day for now -- Tracie is the vet tech mod on here and can help you w/ the gout she is thinking he has but he definitely has MBD- and w/ the correct UVB and calcium we can stop it from getting worse it cannot be reversed -- ignore the kale thing its a good staple feeder
please get him some crickets or dubia roaches for insects - no meal worms for a staple feeder -please get your lighting correct UVB and basking temps - and please usea bright white basking bulb NO heat emitters or colored bulbs


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Drache613":1yuxco1a said:

Poor guy. It appears that he has metabolic bone disease, along with possible gout from
little to no UVB exposure & poor nutrition.
I don't think you can use your albuterol for his possible respiratory problems. Let's see a
few pictures of your tank setup so we can view the lighting placement. You are using the
long tube bulb of the Reptisun 10 UVB light?
The odd swellings on his wrist appear to be gout that has developed. Metabolic bone
disease usually doesn't exhibit swelling quite that way. His gulping is most likely from pain
he is feeling.
How much oral fluids are you getting into him right now? For now, I would try to get some
black or tart cherry juice extract to help with his kidneys. I have liquid calcium on my site too,
if you want a link to my website, let me know. I can send a PM to you as well. He is in rough
shape so hopefully you can get him turned around.


Yes! I’ve had 5 dragons in the past that I have rehabbed. They knew me through a friend I assume. Here’s pictures of his setup. I’m going to grab a new heat bulb today. His current basking spot is 96.2°f. And yes, it is a temp gun not the dial kind. I will take the plastic cover off his UVB fixture right now though. The slop he’s getting, he’s taking between 2-3 ml each feeding, 2 times a day. The UVB bulb is an 18” reptisun 10.0. Where do I get the cherry juice? Walmart? Can you post a picture of the one you recommend so I can make sure to grab the right one? Also, is there anything additional I can get OTC for him? I’m planning on getting the liquid calcium that Petco and PetSmart sell, I have a coupon to get it for $5. Hopefully you know which one I’m talking about. If you don’t I can go take a screenshot and post it. If you do, how much of that? I’ve used it many times before and I don’t recall the dropper having any measurements on it. I do have a million syringes that have different increments of ml. From .1-10ml



New member
Original Poster
KarrieRee":14oja3ts said:
The UVB needs to be a certain distance what tube are you using a T 5 or a T 8 -- I will help you get it placed correctly - temps should be 95-100 taken w/ a digital probe thermometer NO stick ons they are inaccurate for a juvie dragon and we have no idea how old he is - apparently the person that dropped him off at your door knew you would take care of him -- thank goodness for that --- for a T 8 tube it needs to be inside the tank w/a distance of 6-8 inches directly over him --- NO clear plastic cover over the bulb -- it needs to be exposed - you can take the screen off the tank as well but T 8's are not strong enough to go thru screen --- diet should be salads every day along w/ insects dusted w/ calcium powder D 3 - and some vitamins w/ beta carotene --- I would start giving him calcium every day for now -- Tracie is the vet tech mod on here and can help you w/ the gout she is thinking he has but he definitely has MBD- and w/ the correct UVB and calcium we can stop it from getting worse it cannot be reversed -- ignore the kale thing its a good staple feeder
please get him some crickets or dubia roaches for insects - no meal worms for a staple feeder -please get your lighting correct UVB and basking temps - and please usea bright white basking bulb NO heat emitters or colored bulbs

See my reply below you for more tank info! But yes I’m getting a new heat bulb today to bring his temp up more and I will grab some bugs too. He won’t hunt them to catch them so I will have to blend them with his slop. I’m not sure he could chew them either so I think blending them will be best. Let me know if I need to do anything else! He’s showing improvement day by day but I want him to be the best he can. I at least hope to get him to somewhat be mobile again so he can move from his basking spot when he’s hot, get to his water and food on his own etc.
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