Swollen back leg on new beardie?

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Hi all. Today I picked up a new bearded dragon (my first one) from someone of Craigslist, but when I took a closer look I noticed that the back left knee and leg are swollen. I managed to get a vet appointment for tomorrow morning, but in the meantime I’m worried. He doesn’t seem to be in pain and is eating well even though it’s his first day with me. He’s a year and a half old. The girl I got him from said that he was malnourished from his previous owner, and also had mites, but that the vet had said a few weeks ago that he was in good health now. When I pointed it out to her after the fact, she said she didn’t notice any swelling, although it’s obviously there. She also said that he’s in the middle of shedding. I’ll obviously see the vet tomorrow, but do any of you have experience with this? I’m just really stressed, I was hoping to wait to spend hundreds of dollars on this baby, but it seems like I’m gonna have to do it rather soon. i’m also anxious about his outlook, since I’ve seen people say that gout has a poor prognosis. any help is appreciated!


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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi all. Today I picked up a new bearded dragon (my first one) from someone of Craigslist, but when I took a closer look I noticed that the back left knee and leg are swollen. I managed to get a vet appointment for tomorrow morning, but in the meantime I’m worried. He doesn’t seem to be in pain and is eating well even though it’s his first day with me. He’s a year and a half old. The girl I got him from said that he was malnourished from his previous owner, and also had mites, but that the vet had said a few weeks ago that he was in good health now. When I pointed it out to her after the fact, she said she didn’t notice any swelling, although it’s obviously there. She also said that he’s in the middle of shedding. I’ll obviously see the vet tomorrow, but do any of you have experience with this? I’m just really stressed, I was hoping to wait to spend hundreds of dollars on this baby, but it seems like I’m gonna have to do it rather soon. i’m also anxious about his outlook, since I’ve seen people say that gout has a poor prognosis. any help is appreciated!
Shed can cause swelling - what is the main staple feeder? Gout is treatable - we see swelling a lot and a lot of times it's shedding and / or a snagged nail in a hammock - it looks like shed is coming on- please go over your uvb your using and surface basking temps-- those should be taken w/ a digital probe thermometer- please no coils for a uvb


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

It could be shed but doesn't look like it is going to shed.
Metabolic bone disease is a possibility, as well since he wasn't taken care of very well before
you got him. Gout is very common & causes odd swellings such as what you are seeing.
Try to get some black or tart cherry juice extract for him, to start helping the uric acid to break
down if in fact that is the case.
Are you giving plenty of oral hydration too?

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