Supplies list for baby beardie?

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If you can, give me a rough esimate of the cost please. :D Also a few questions.......
For a baby beardie (6 in.) how often do you feed them?
Temp. for baby beardie?
Where the multitudes of lighting goes?
How many crickets, and how often a day for a baby?
What kind of vitamins, and do you just "dust" the crickets?
How long can you keep crickets, how exactly do you keep them?

I know I sound totally cluless (I am), but I couldn't find any articles so if you could direct me to one I would really apprictiate it. Thanks. :D If you have any info to add please do.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
So welcome to our site. So first of all do you have a tank & a beardie or are you just getting info beforehand. So here are the basics:

For UVB ReptiSUN 10.0 or Arcadia 12% are the best tubes and I don't recommend compact or coil, they don't give off enough UVB and can cause health issues. Reptiglo does the same thing, so make sure it's Reptisun. If you can order online, you'll get a better deal than in a pet shop. Also see if you can find an under the counter fixture to fit the tube, it should be 2/3 the length of the tank you get and needs to be maximum 6-8 inches from your baby. In the tank is better (under the mesh top) as then your baby gets 100% UVB instead of 50% that comes thru the mesh top.

I'd recommend you start with a 20 gallon tall with a front opening to start, as if you're getting a baby, it will be about 5 mo before he/she will need a bigger tank, which should be, at the smallest, a 40 gallon breeder (or critter cage as they're sometimes called). So we can talk about what you want when you answer back.

Start with crickets or dubia roaches (you can get starter kits and baby roaches in the For Sale part of this site). Crickets and dubia all have to be fed, crickets die off easier and are more stinky than dubia. Plus they jump and are hard to dust. Dubia are fast but can't climb glass or plastic, so you can just put them in a glass dish for your baby to hunt. But there are alot of other bugs you can feed a baby, baby silkworms, phoenix worms, micro supers. Just never mealworms, please, they are not made for beardies, too much shell and hardly any meat. Soft worms are best.

You'll need a good calcium powder, any brand that is without phosphorus and with Vit D3. Then any brand of vit/min.
The calcium you'll need to dust 1 feeding of bugs daily, 5x/wk and the vit/min 1 feeding 2x/wk. This will continue until your breardie is 1 year old, then it reduces.

Your baby will need to be fed bugs 2 feedings a day, whatever he/she will eat in 15 min. Alot of people have a separate feeding tank if you're feeding crickets, that way there are no crickets left in the tank overnight. Here's a great nutrition list, as you can start them off early eating good greens and veggies, cut small:, under nutrition.

You'll need a basking bulb. I always used a regular household bulb, bright white, whatever wattage brought the temps to 105F on the basking spot. An Accurite temp with probe works well or you can get a temp gun, which is very accurate.

For furniture, a basking area, which is usually a log of some sort that is high enough to get near enough to the UVB but low enough so the basking area doesn't get too hot. As I said 105F for the basking spot. This is to aid digestion. Also I always had other stuff that they could climb and hang off of, as they like to jump & run around. I can show you some tanks when Rubio was little if you want to give you some ideas.

If you live in an area that is regular-high humidity, you don't need a water dish in their tanks, as they are low humidity animals and too much humidity in their tanks can bring on an upper respiratory infection. You can also mist your dragon with warm water, but always outside the tank.

Daily baths will be a good idea, just use a small container, any type really, with warm water up to their armpits and soak for 15-20 min, as they absorb water thru their skin and vent (area where they poop from). And keep your eye on them at all times, as they are little, don't weigh much and can jump easily out of the water.

For substrate, on the bottom of the tank, nothing loose, just solid, like paper towels, butcher paper, non-adhesive shelf liner, tile, newspaper (which is what I've used for 6 years. I have 5 adult male dragons & still use it, easy to clean up, but I also get free papers to my apartment building, as the paper has to sit at least 2-3 weeks to make sure the ink won't trf to the dragons, which it never does if paper is that old.) There are other types you can use, but always solid, and the reason is because beardies use their tongues to sense their environment, if you use sand or anything else that has loose particles, they will lick it up and it won't digest, so can cause blockages in the intestines called impaction and make them very sick. When they poop on it, the liquid that comes out with the poop can stay in the loose substrate and cause bacteria to grow, so solid is highly recommended.

You also have to have a vet handy. An exotic vet that knows reptiles is best. Beardies can get sick, even though they are hardy animals, it's always best to have someone handy. Plus that you put $ aside in case you need to get him/her to the vet, so you can afford this.

As for cost, depends on where you buy your things. As I said, online is cheaper by far than a petstore. I paid about $140 for 2 of the 40 gallon tanks of the 4 that I have, the others were free. Rubio, my biggest dragon, is in a 75 gallon, but again it was free, as I take in rescued dragons and some of them had tanks that came with them.

So I hope I've gotten the basics, but any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


There is not much else to say, Sweetiepie9 (Deb) pretty much covered everything. I am new to BD's but not reptiles. The internet is the best place to buy stuff. I have found to be the cheapest for UVB, they also have the Arcadia 12% and fixtures for them. Inregards to the tanks, check with PetCo or PetSmart and ask when their next $1 per gallon sale is. You could save a bunch on a 40gl breeder. I know they are well over 100 normally. I have a custom made cage so I cant tell you exactly how much. Probably the most important is the Vet. BD's suffer from relocation stress really bad, and as Deb said, though they are hardy, they do get sick. When I brought my baby home, he contracted coccida and pin worm which would not have been found if it wasnt for the vet.


Original Poster
Thank you both so much! Deb, I would love to see a picture of one of your tanks to get a better idea of a setup. Also, where did you get a 40 gallon tank that cheap? Does soaking them every day cover all their drinking needs? Thanks again! :D


If there is a Petsmart near you, keep an eye on their sales. We got our 36x18x18 for $140-$160. I thought it was a miss print because even Amazon's cheapest was over $200.


cappy":33zsbtif said:
Thank you both so much! Deb, I would love to see a picture of one of your tanks to get a better idea of a setup. Also, where did you get a 40 gallon tank that cheap? Does soaking them every day cover all their drinking needs? Thanks again! :D

Either PetCo or PetSmart has $1 a gallon sales every once and a while. Just call and ask.


Sub-Adult Member
For cheap 40gal I would look around on your local classified ads or craigslist. I got mine on craigslist and the person threw in more with it. $40 for mine. :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I would agree, Craigslist is great for finding deals. The $1 sale was on Jan 18, not sure if they have more than one yearly. Just check out the chain stores.

Here are pics of my set ups, don't forget I use Power Suns and I don't have tops on the tanks, plus my dragons are all adults, so they can't jump out of their tanks. Babies normally need tops as they can jump out of tanks very easily.
the living room:

Close ups:
Rubio, 75 gallon tank (he's the lump under the blanket, brumating):

Across the living room wall, all 40 gallons:


Leo, next to the TV:

Gabriel's in my room, also a 40 gallon:

Close up:

Me and my crew, Rubio, the biggest one, was brumating:
Gabriel, Lonzo (with his eyes closed), Leo and Didi

Rubio, doing his stand up act:

Hope that helps, not everyone has a set up like mine, the lampstands are expensive, then the domes are separate and the bulbs are also expensive. When we bought the lampstands, they were almost $80 each, I can't remember how much the domes were but I couldn't find the deep dome ones anymore, make by Fluker and the Power Suns are about $100 ea, but cheaper online. They last about a year, I change them every 10 mo.

So having 1 dragon isn't too bad, having 5 makes for an extra paychq every year! But they're worth every penny, as they're my hobby, plus they're my babies :lol:


Juvie Member
Oh My Goodness! Deb,I love your living room!! I would kill to have a place like that,surrounded by beardies! All of their setups are amazing! I really liked your 75gal too because I want to move Reptar into one of those..I'm jealous! :lol:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
And forgot to mention, cappy, that daily or every other day baths should meet all hydration requirements. If not you can teach your baby to drink from an oral syringe. Just don't put a water dish into their tank unless you have to raise humidity, they're low humidity animals & don't need it in their tanks.

And mommisgurl=thanks for the compliments, I'm in a 1 bedroom apartment, luckily it's big, and they just fit in. My friends don't visit because they think having dragons is strange and so do my family, just means I go out alot :lol: But the few friends who enjoy coming over, thing my dragons are great & BIG, especially Rubio!


Original Poster
Thanks for the replies everyone!!!
What an awsome setup you have Deb! Your beardies are beautiful. Also thanks for answering all my newbie questions :mrgreen:
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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