Super worried!! Please if you know anything let me know?


Beardie name(s)
I was handling Gaia and I noticed she has this large round ring on the underside of her belly(It's not a stress spot at all) it actually looks like how a ringworm does under skin...the only difference is it's black and about the size of a quarter.Im going to post a picture of it here so you can see! if any of you have any idea or have experienced this please contact me as soon as possible :( it just came out of nowhere and I'm freaking out


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I was handling Gaia and I noticed she has this large round ring on the underside of her belly(It's not a stress spot at all) it actually looks like how a ringworm does under skin...the only difference is it's black and about the size of a quarter.Im going to post a picture of it here so you can see! if any of you have any idea or have experienced this please contact me as soon as possible :( it just came out of nowhere and I'm freaking out
Has the dragon been sitting in a water bowl? Gonna have AHBD take a look

AHBD Sicko
Not sure but it doesn't look serious. It could be from being wedged [ as beardie's do ] in an odd spot against something or as Karrie said, in a waterbowl . I personally believe it's best to only have a bowl of water in the enclosure a few times a week for a short time and never over night, especially for babies.

Just keep the bowl out and if you're concerned about that spot use some silver cream from the drug store but it will probably clear up on it's own.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Not sure but it doesn't look serious. It could be from being wedged [ as beardie's do ] in an odd spot against something or as Karrie said, in a waterbowl . I personally believe it's best to only have a bowl of water in the enclosure a few times a week for a short time and never over night, especially for babies.

Just keep the bowl out and if you're concerned about that spot use some silver cream from the drug store but it will probably clear up on it's own.
Thank you I appreciate your response! Both of you 🖤 crossing my fingers

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, go ahead & take the water bowl out. The silver cream is very effective for scrapes, abrasions, etc
so you can definitely get some to try. I think it should clear up eventually because it doesn't look infected.
She probably wedged herself between something in her tank & scraped the scales up some.
I think she will be just fine.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I agree, go ahead & take the water bowl out. The silver cream is very effective for scrapes, abrasions, etc
so you can definitely get some to try. I think it should clear up eventually because it doesn't look infected.
She probably wedged herself between something in her tank & scraped the scales up some.
I think she will be just fine.

Thank you so much 🖤

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's good to hear Gaia is doing well. Hopefully the silver cream will help out & her belly scales will
start to clear up soon.
Let us know how things are going.


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