Sun Bathing & Dragon walking!

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So I recently started taking my dragons outside for some natural rays. 8) My question is who else does this and how long do you let them stay outside? I have to say since I started doin this Ive noticed a huge difference in my dragons behavior! They are both much more active and colorful! :mrgreen:
Ive tended to keep mine outside for about 15-30min. (depending on whats happening that day) and Ive tried to take them out every other day or so. I feel bad for the short time the little guys get outside kuz they love it so much! My only issue I have is I cant let them roam freely ( of course..) so theyre either stuck in a bin or (if theyre calm ) on my shoulder. Around my apartment there is mainly concert and asphalt, so call me crazy but Ive been considering taking them to the park LoL there should be dragon parks!! Ive also been thinking about getting a lizard leash for them so they could walk around a lil more freely. Does anyone do this? Would concrete and asphalt be too hot for their feet ? Oh and one more question I know dragons love to lick/inspect things with their tongues, should I be weary of outside matter they can ingest ? :p


Actually I do take mine outside. Found the UVB bulb I had wasnt the correct one and was told to give her 30 minutes of natural sunlight a day (equals 12 hours of the UVB). I too found it helped mine immensly! She lounges and just checks everything out. I got a new baby 2 days ago and she is FIESTY lol, so taking her out is alot more effort because she/he just insists on constantly running everywhere to check everything out. For next summer i'm going to build them a spot outdoors in the yard for them to run and play freely. I'm hoping some day to be able to put leashes on them and take them for walks.. other then I have a neighbor who swore up and down it was an alligator ( I offered to buy him glasses). I love the idea of a dragon park :)


Juvie Member
I take my baby outside and he/she really loves it, turns a bright orange and gets a creamy white chest and belly. I usually go out for an hour every day and my baby just sits on my shoulder or in my hand I have no problems with being jumpy or fiesty, I mean he/she will run up and down my arm, but thats about it. Only bad thing is I have to sit in the hot sun with the baby lol because I don't want to put it on the ground. If you go out side just be aware of the surroundings because if you have large birds around they might find your beardie as a tasty snack or cats also wil harm it. Also if you put the container on the ghground that you have your beardie in a little bug may get in and he could ingest it and that little bug could be full of pesticide, so just be careful. I can guarantee you that your beardie appreciates every single minute that it gets outside the VIV.


Original Poster
:mrgreen: Thanks! That really helps me judge how long I should keep them outside.When I take my male outside he just chills and soaks up the rays, while my female is much more active and likes to run about.
An alligator! I was walking to check my mail the other day and had my beardie on my shoulder..I was worried someone would freak out. LoL :shock:

Mine also turn bright oranges/ reds and the beautiful white bellies :D It makes me so happy to see them happy. My beardies both like to look up at the sky while I hold them and its like their looking at the sun like "WHoa! cool!" I really cant get enough of it as Im sure they feel. When I take mine out it is also very hot ( being that its Arizona!) so I completely understand sitting out in the heat with them...phew! Ive wondered about birds and cats etc but Iam always right next to them and they dont get to roam free yet.. its either in a tote or on my shoulder/hand.
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