Sudden seizures in previously healthy dragon


Original Poster
We got a call back from his regular vet and the fecal came out clear. She’s now stumped too as to what caused his seizures.
She also agrees with the other vet that if it was something like a brain tumor, he’d have had other symptoms and that seizures would be more of an end-stage thing and he wouldn’t have come out of them and be back to normal. (Which he has been today.)

it seems that leaves us with only exposure/ingestion of a toxin. I did get rid of his salad greens incase I had a repeat of that nightshade incident.. Husband was the one who prepped this last lot and he might not have noticed anything off, so we got rid and prepared new stuff. I’m not sure how he could have possibly ingested anything on his own yesterday.

Does anyone have any other ideas of what might could be wrong with him we could check?

If not, hopefully it was a slip of something in his greens and he managed to get over it. (My other dragons are on salad strike and are preferring to eat the chickweed outside, which is safe for them with no pesticides. So none of them have eaten any of the turnip greens.)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I looked over the blood tests. Overall, they look pretty normal. The calcium to phosphorus
ratio looks balanced which is very important. Is this the first time he has ever had any type
of seizure, correct? Sometimes that can happen when ingesting a toxin as someone had
suggested, or possibly a lower ionized calcium level. Most complete blood tests don't include
an ionized calcium reading which is a separate test that measures the 25Hydroxy levels or
the D3 readings. Sometimes the calcium levels can appear normal but the stores might be
low. It can take time for the bones to become leached. I'm not saying that is what it is but it
can happen. Since your dragon is a little older he might be having some absorption trouble
You could consider a liquid calcium supplement instead of powder, if you aren't already using
The only reading I saw that was slightly off but still in range would be the Uric acid levels. He
might just need some hydration, no problem. Maybe try adding some black or tart cherry juice
a few times a week in case the kidneys are having a bit of trouble. The AST or liver enzymes
look within range also.

I'm glad that he's doing better today! Keep us posted on him.



Original Poster

I looked over the blood tests. Overall, they look pretty normal. The calcium to phosphorus
ratio looks balanced which is very important. Is this the first time he has ever had any type
of seizure, correct? Sometimes that can happen when ingesting a toxin as someone had
suggested, or possibly a lower ionized calcium level. Most complete blood tests don't include
an ionized calcium reading which is a separate test that measures the 25Hydroxy levels or
the D3 readings. Sometimes the calcium levels can appear normal but the stores might be
low. It can take time for the bones to become leached. I'm not saying that is what it is but it
can happen. Since your dragon is a little older he might be having some absorption trouble
You could consider a liquid calcium supplement instead of powder, if you aren't already using
The only reading I saw that was slightly off but still in range would be the Uric acid levels. He
might just need some hydration, no problem. Maybe try adding some black or tart cherry juice
a few times a week in case the kidneys are having a bit of trouble. The AST or liver enzymes
look within range also.

I'm glad that he's doing better today! Keep us posted on him.


Thanks for the reply. He seems to be back to normal.. Still no more seizures and he’s been looking good. He ate really well again today, had another healthy poo.. a wander around the yard and a bask in the sun. I’m adding some pics from today and you’ll see his color and everything looks fine. (Except the poor boy is on the verge of a big undercarriage shed and kinda crunchy.)

I sent a message to his previous owner, but haven’t gotten a reply back. When he gave him to me, he told me he was healthy and had no problems.. but it turns out the poor guy is nearly blind, so I dunno. His story is he was a child’s pet.. kid grew up and lost interest and the dad didn’t have time to care for him. I’ve only had him since March 13th of this year and haven’t seen anything concerning besides his poor vision, which my vet confirmed are cataracts in both eyes.

So I’m hoping it’s safe to assume a weird plant got mixed in with his greens since I have had that happen in the past. (Thankfully I caught it that time before feeding it to the dragons!) He doesn’t seem to have any lasting effects.

The black cherry you mentioned for his kidneys.. His old owner did say he didn’t eat salad, only worms. I know protein can be hard on the kidneys for humans, so if it might help him I will get some. (FYI he is eating greens now. Loves them!)

For hydration, he won’t take water, so I’ve been spraying his greens and feeding him his other veg (squash, pumpkin, sweet potato, etc) as baby food since he takes to that so well.

Thanks again for the advice. He’s an old guy, but he should still have a few years left in him and I want him to have the best I can give him ❤️

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh he is definitely very handsome! He is super lucky, that you took him in! :)
I have heard of some developing cataracts but he seems to be in great spirits though. Do you think
he can see anything at all, even if limited? He does look very happy though.
I am so glad that he has a wonderful home now, he will do just fine with you.
Do try the black/tart cherry juice, straight or diluted, either way is fine. It might help out with renal
function. I hope he does well for you.



Original Poster
It was a strange thing coming across his ad. I wasn’t looking for another dragon as I already had a full house of four dragons already, but there was something about his eyes.. I just knew he needed a bit more care than most could give. He’s such a sweet and loving boy and I’m glad I found him.

The vet said the cataract in his left eye is nearly complete and says he’s light perception only out of that eye. His right eye has some vision as the cataract isn’t as big, but it’s likely not very clear. From observing how he reacts, I don’t think he sees much more than vague shapes tbh.

He’s not able to feed himself at all, or see the food held in front of him. We’ve had to train him to realize when we have food so he will take handfeeds. He’s done really well with that, and has even figured a way to let us know when he’s hungry. (I say “us” cos he’s just as bonded to my husband, perhaps even just a little more, so we both actively take care of him.)

He needs a lot of light to be able to see what little he is able, so we get him outside as much as we can, about two hours a day, and have his enclosure in front of a window. (There’s a hurricane awning that blocks the direct sun so he can’t overheat.)

About the black cherry stuff, I’ll order some of that for him today.

He’s been doing good still.. only this morning a lot of his shed broke so he’s been kinda grumpy about it, especially the face stuff, poor guy 😖
But still eating well and active and alert and no bad signs of anything like seizures so hopefully the scare is over 🙏

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I say it over and over, it's takes a special kind of person to take on rescues and every one of you that do are heroes!!! I hate hearing stories of beardies being in a bad way but it's heart-warming reading the stories of people that care as well.


Original Poster
I say it over and over, it's takes a special kind of person to take on rescues and every one of you that do are heroes!!! I hate hearing stories of beardies being in a bad way but it's heart-warming reading the stories of people that care as well.
Honestly to me it feels like an honor to be able to take care of them, and I am so grateful for that and for them. I wish I could do more, but 5 is all I can handle right now and be able to give them the love, care, and attention they need and deserve.
It’s sad, cos my area really has a need.

Btw my boy is still doing well, still no more seizures! He’s still eating tons and doing his business. He‘s a bit miserable though cos he’s shedding even more.. looks like it’s ending up to be nearly full-body. I’ll take it as a good sign he’s well enough to be annoyed with the shedding 😅

I ordered some black cherry stuff Tracie recommended and I’ll start him on that when it arrives 👍

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's great he hasn't had anymore seizures since that day, luckily!
It is a very good sign that he is shedding right now. They can get pretty grumpy especially if they
are going through a full body shed. Too bad that they can't somehow remove the cataracts with a
laser or something. At least he does eat, even if it's from your hand. It sounds like he loves both
of you & cooperates really well also! Bless him, he sounds so sweet! 💕
I hope you get the black cherry quickly, too. He should really like that also.

Keep us posted on him!


Original Poster

That's great he hasn't had anymore seizures since that day, luckily!
It is a very good sign that he is shedding right now. They can get pretty grumpy especially if they
are going through a full body shed. Too bad that they can't somehow remove the cataracts with a
laser or something. At least he does eat, even if it's from your hand. It sounds like he loves both
of you & cooperates really well also! Bless him, he sounds so sweet! 💕
I hope you get the black cherry quickly, too. He should really like that also.

Keep us posted on him!
It is sad they can’t do anything about the cataracts.. I do worry about how he will handle it getting worse. We‘re spending a lot of time with him to see what other sensory things seem to make him happy.. Food is definitely one of them, and I’ll take that as a good sign!

Meanwhile he does seem back to normal. I never got a reply from his previous owner, but it does seem this was a one-off toxicity thing.

I’m really glad he’s okay cos he is really sweet. Such a cuddly thing too 🥰

Thanks again for your help! And I’ll get him started on that black cherry as soon as it arrives.


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is really a good picture of him, he looks very happy. I'm sure taking him outdoors helps his
mood. The brightness should perk him up.
Definitely find a favorite food for him if you don't already have one. It is very possible that there
was some type of toxic that caused that, it seems rare & sudden.
He shouldn't mind the black cherry powder, it has a nice smell & taste to it.
They are very cuddly & so sweet, too. 💕

Let us know how things are going!

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