Sudden death, pls tell me why?

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Last night my bearded dragon Ozzy, passed away.I wasn't sure why, as he had recently had a change in breathing, i didn't think much of it, because it could mean many things, he did have MBD from his previous owner, soon afterwards i noticed he was not wanting to eat veggies only bugs, i thought it was just because i had been feeding him more bugs than veggies, so again i didn't think anything of it, Last night i tried to feed him mealworms and he wouldn't eat them, because he was so skinny from his other owner, i decided to force feed him because he also need calcium and water.I got back from a trip to the store, and i went to go pick him up and he was dead :( and i noticed he didn't digest his food and instead he pooped just mealworms. I recently asked a member on here for help, because he was having runny poops for over a month, she suggested it could be stress, his lighting, or parasites. I got him a new tank, new lights and a new thermometer.I also noticed when i picked him up, that his beard was black on the sides. Can somebody please tell me why a healhy bearded dragon would die so sudden and unexpectedly? And what could i have done wrong? ??


Juvie Member
It’s because of how horribly he was raised by his previous owner, not at all because of you. He had all of these factors slowly killing him and it just coincidentally happened when he was placed into your care. You didn’t do anything wrong (just don’t feed mealworms next time as they aren’t very good for them, but they would not cause them to die so suddenly. Mealworms are like corn dogs — they taste good but aren’t really good to make a meal of them.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry you lost your dragon so suddenly. He was most likely having internal health
issues when you got him. Anytime the previous care is poor before you take them in, there
are high risks involved of them having health problems.
It is definitely not your fault but I know that doesn't help you feel any better right now.
I am sorry for your loss. :cry:



Original Poster
I was reading your post earlier, im so sorry for what happened to your beardie, the worst always happens to the best. :(
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