Studly Dudley! ♥ *Massive Picture Overload 7/30*

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My dad just randomly came home with him! He is cutest thing ever, and has tons of chub! He just dived into his salad! :D
Hes 2 years old, 15-17 in. long (has pretty good sized nip) and 442 grams... Dyed from red sand, so I cant see his colors. :D

Will post more details/pics later... I have to babysit! :D


:blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


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The little fatty was 50-some grams when I weighed her few weeks ago.

Ugh, I feel bad now. She has those little calcium/protein bubbles under her armpits, and I was told I should supplement her less. So I've only been giving her calcium 2x a week and vites 1x a week. I'm guessing I should supplement her normally now.

Do you have any pictures of what to looks for on their bellies? She wasn't too happy with me violating her, but compared to Stanley she does have a very wide looking abdomen. If I can't figure it out, I'll post pics.
What do you use for a lay box? They sell these at my work:
Or should I just use tupperware with a hole in the top? Is Eco Earth a good laybox material for them?


Sub-Adult Member
You could use that or the tupperware. I use cocoa fiber for their layboxes. Can be bought at most pet stores for about $6 and holds water pretty well. The tupperware box is probably going to be the cheaper option for you. Just put it in a comfortable temperate zone and show her what it is. You will want to mist the cocoa fiber so that it holds together but does not get muddy. If that makes sense.


Juvie Member
Awwww poor Stella. I know absolutely nothing about Leos so I can be of no help. I hope Stella feels
better soon. As for the shopping, I'm a bit of a shopaholic too. Shhhhhh! Don't tell my husband. :D


Sub-Adult Member
Jess, let's face it. All of your animals are spoiled!

You have Dudley who is basically the "King", who has to be placed like royalty under his basking spot, as he doesn't have to even lift a claw with you around!! Dudley has such a spunky attitude. He is SO cute though. I'm not just saying this, but Dudley is probably one of the cutest adult bearded dragons I have ever seen! He's got that short, stubby cute nose, which I really love!

Stella who has to have her bugs brought to her on a silver platter. It's as if she's saying "HA! You want me to go eat out of THAT bowl? No No No, Stella doesn't do that. Bring bugs to me, because I am NOT going to the bugs! I am the Queen!"

Stanley who had to have his slave take the shed out of his eye. You know, I think Stanley was faking that eye shed being stuck in there. I think he really only wanted some attention from Jess :wink: haha just kidding!

As for Smudge... I'm sure that he's so cute and cuddly and you just want to hug him all the time so he gets all the attention he needs, so he doesn't need to fake anything or have you serve him anything, cause he gets attention all the time for being cute!


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I ended up getting her the medium snake cave, since I usually crack an average of 3 tupperware containers before I can successfully cut an entrance in one LOL. I got the Echo Earth and the hide for $14 thanks to the joys of employee discount :D The cave came with some moss too, so should I mix that in with the Echo Earth or is that an impaction risk?

Ok, these were the best pics of Stella's tummy that I could get! She is being a spaz. Can anyone tell from these? I think I can kind of see little eggies though. :|




Here is her body shape from the top, if that helps.


@tazznzepelin: Well thanks for the support :) I feel a little nervous/unprepared but I think she will be OK.
Ha, retail therapy is great. Pets come first, but I can still have some fun LOL!

@Pumpkin: Haha! Yeah, I could potentially be guilty of spoiling them. Just a little though! :wink:
Not that I'm biased or anything LOL, but I have to agree. His adorable little face, chubbyness, and disproportionate head are what made me want to adopt him! It was love at first sight!

Whoever thinks that bunnies are actually as cute and cuddly as they look has obviously never had one! :p I love Smudge to death, but he really knows how to drive me insane. It's impossible to stay mad at him though. He is really sweet when he wants to be.
He is 8 1/2 years old now and I have had him since he was 6 weeks, so we know each other pretty well at this point. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Speaking of Stanley... I was talking to one of my coworkers when I got Smudge and Stella's new stuff today, and she said that Stan's original owner was completely heartbroken and crying when he gave him up. :( Stanley's first owner was a 30-something year old man too. I remember him telling me about his 14 + year old gecko when I was getting him crickets once. It just made me feel really sad!


Sub-Adult Member
Oh sorry Jess I left work and forgot to get back on last night! I can't see the pics this morning because I am at work. I will try and check it out this afternoon though. There should be a few good pics of gravid females if you google it though.
love the beardie pics! its so chubby i just wanna chill with it all day!!!! anyways im looking to start raising a beardie and im wondering in one of the picks it looks as if your tank is on a bakers rack is this true? and if so how well does it work? oh and gorgeous gecko BTW! Very bright! and where did you find the stuff for duds Viv! it looks great with the tile and all


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Just wanted to give this thread a bump so it doesn't get locked! :shock: Pics tomorrow, I promise!

@Cmapplebeck: Thank you! I have a utility shelf that I keep my vivs on. :) And I made everything in Dudley's viv!


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Well, I obviously didn't keep my earlier promise. :roll: BUT I do have a couple pictures to share now!

First up is a very grumpy Dudley. For the first time in about 2 years, he is going through a body shed. He is not too thrilled, if you can't already tell. Poor baby is black bearding and rubbing his face on every surface he comes in contact with.




I also acquired lizard # 4 at the reptile expo yesterday... A little male crestie! :) Any name ideas?



Cages have been re-designed! I happened to get all the new decor and the 10 gal tank at a garage sale for $14. :shock:

Dud got more little plants:

Stan and Stella got new hides and decorations:


And this is the newbie's little 10 gal. When he grows up he will be getting something bigger and nicer! :) He is on the plant to the right.

What my tiny bedroom now looks like. I have Dudley's 4x2x2, the crestie's tank on top of it, Stella in the 29 gal on the utility shelf, and the clawed frog's 15 gal aquarium by my computer, Stanley's 15 gal on the table, the roaches on top of the shelf, plus the bunnie living in my closet who is not pictured. The hermit crab's 15 gal has overflowed to downstairs. :p



Gray-bearded Member
OOooh I love the new little guy, he looks like a Charles to me, I don't know why he just does. I have my Gecko on my night stand too!



Sub-Adult Member
Aw! Poor Dud! He's just begging you to pull out those nostril sheds for him! He's so adorable, and he's so chubby :D Oh! New lizard! That's awesome, Crestie's are so cute. He looks like a Buddy to me. I don't know why, he just looks like he wants to be your little buddy :) Your little room is full of lizards! Your so organized though, my room looks like a tornado hit it!


On your Leo's do you use a UTH, or a bulb to keep them warm? My friend has rescued a Leo from his brother who wasn't taking good care of it, and he plans to try, and get it back to where it will move around a little more, and then possibly give it to me he's unsure if he wants to keep it as he wants a Crested so I volunteered to take it if he gets rid of it. But I wanted to know what you recommend. UTH/Bulb, and the placement of the Hide to get it up to the temp for the basking spot? I thought Leo's didn't have a basking spot, or does that just mean where the hide goes? >_>


Sub-Adult Member
Yay, I was wondering when you'd post a new update :D Poor Dud!! I remember the last time Sarth's head shed it looked like his face was exploding, Duds doesn't look much different, lol!
Stella is so pretty! I love those colors. I had no idea geckos could be so colorful until I saw all those different ones at the expo. You new guy is cute too, I'm not sure what a good name would be though! It usually takes me a couple days to pick out names for new pets, but when I finally come up with them they're good ones :mrgreen:

You might need to make me another basking platform soon! I can trade some more roaches or possibly a hornworm cup. Or $$ too, haha.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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