Studly Dudley! ♥ *Massive Picture Overload 7/30*

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My dad just randomly came home with him! He is cutest thing ever, and has tons of chub! He just dived into his salad! :D
Hes 2 years old, 15-17 in. long (has pretty good sized nip) and 442 grams... Dyed from red sand, so I cant see his colors. :D

Will post more details/pics later... I have to babysit! :D


:blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Hatchling Member
I just read through this entire thread :) What a blast!
Dudley is a beast! I love him already :D
Thanks for keeping everyone updated on your awesome dragon!


Sub-Adult Member
Aaah it's been awhile since I've visited! So it looks like Dud is awake for good? That's awesome! I need to update Sarth and Daed's thread sometime this weekend...Sarth walked out of his hide on his own today and was basking when we got home from the brew pub :shock:

Stella is so cute, what a pretty gecko!
Give Duds some pets for me ^_^


Juvie Member
haha yes they will wag their tails when they are hunting or feel threatened. It takes the prey or predators attention to their tail instead of them, and if its a predator and they attack it, they loose their tails and run like the wind :) Luckily mine have never dropped their tails, but they like to shake them all around when feeding time comes around :)


Sub-Adult Member
UGH!!!!! I can't see the pix on my phone. :( Anyways, glad Dudders is awake for ya and thet you were able to get your leo. Was it the one from CL? I need to get Miyagi's thread going. She's already had three health issues and none of you have seen her! LOL Do you have a White's Tree Frog, Jess? I can't decide if I want a wtf or a leo. Ormaybeathirdbeardiewhichisprobablywhatwillenduphappening. :)


Sub-Adult Member
Sashee":22wqu5qs said:
UGH!!!!! I can't see the pix on my phone. :( Anyways, glad Dudders is awake for ya and thet you were able to get your leo. Was it the one from CL? I need to get Miyagi's thread going. She's already had three health issues and none of you have seen her! LOL Do you have a White's Tree Frog, Jess? I can't decide if I want a wtf or a leo. Ormaybeathirdbeardiewhichisprobablywhatwillenduphappening. :)

I'm all for a third Bearded Dragon! I have two babies and I can't get enough of them! Haha. If you want a switchup of reptiles, I think you should get a Gecko. You can hold Geckos and play with them like a Beardie. Whites Tree Frogs are cute, but you really aren't supposed to hold frogs :cry: :banghead: so they are kind of just look-at-pets. I love Leos because they're so cute and they're really nice!


Extreme Poster
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Sashee":3i4vgam6 said:
UGH!!!!! I can't see the pix on my phone. :( Anyways, glad Dudders is awake for ya and thet you were able to get your leo. Was it the one from CL? I need to get Miyagi's thread going. She's already had three health issues and none of you have seen her! LOL Do you have a White's Tree Frog, Jess? I can't decide if I want a wtf or a leo. Ormaybeathirdbeardiewhichisprobablywhatwillenduphappening. :)

Well get on your computer then!! :p

And yep, she was the one I found on CL! I love her, she is becoming really good about being handled... She even snuggled in my hand once.
I've been keeping up with Miyagi on the FB group, but yeah you definitely need a thread about her!

And I have an african clawed frog, but not a white's. I'd say go with the leo... Or the 3rd beardie! :mrgreen:


Extreme Poster
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Thank you! :D

I have a ton of pics of Dud I need to post... I just need the time to upload them!
He is doing pretty good though, and he is starting to get his appetite back.
And Stella is doing good too. She LOVES her roaches!


Extreme Poster
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OK, I have post brumation pics! AND, I've also added another little lizard to my family. :D You know you have a problem when you go from 1 to 3 lizards in less than 2 months...

Be prepared. This is going to be a post of monstrous proportions, loaded with pictures. :wink:

Since this is Dud's thread, he gets to go first!















He discovered his platform after he woke up from brumating, and he loves it!




Now for a couple of Stella...

Why is this empty? FOOD. NOW.

Roaches or mealies? I can't decide, so I MUST be in two dishes at once.

Just randomly chillin'.

Some one dropped off their leopard gecko to be adopted out at the pet store I work at. He is 15 years old, was living on calcium sand, had no humid hide, and he hide a bright white basking light for his warm side (That hurts their eyes). He had a ton of retained shed stuck in his eye too. :( He broke my heart, and after LOTS of convincing my parents finally agreed to let me adopt him!

AND NOW... To my newest addition!

So I dumped out all of the sand, cleaned out his tank really well, gave him a new hide that he actually fits in and a humid hide, and used a ceramic heater instead of the basking light. I bought him some nice new dishes today too, since his old water dish was covered in sand stains and complete with algae. I wanted to take a "before" picture, but I had to get rid of the sand before I brought him home LOL... Here are the "after" pictures though! :D



He's actually pretty chunky!

His bad eye. I put some water on it and the crap softened up enough that he could open it, but once he was back in his viv it dried up again. If I can't fix it myself over the weekend, I'll call the vet to see if I can get him some ointment. Does anyone know of something I can put on his eye to help him?


Whatcha lookin' at??


Discovering his new wormie dish:



So far, he is incredibly sweet and friendly. I don't understand how someone could get rid of him! He was very patient with me when I was wetting his eye, and trying to get the retained shed off his fingers. I tried feeding him a little roach, but it kept hiding under him and he was getting really confused. He happily ate it out of my fingers though! Later when I was peeling off the mass amount of tape that is stuck to the side of his tank for some reason, he ran right over to me and stared at me... He must have figured out that me = food. :p

And he needs a name! I really like Stanley, but I'm still thinking. Other possible names are Captain Jack (His eye looks piratey!), Sheldon, Kody, or Quincey. Any other ideas?
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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