No, Taco is not a rescue. I am his first human, and thanks to what I've read before getting his setup and him everything was on par from the beginning on. He was also taken care of very well at the reptile store (small reptile store of reptile enthusiasts).
Also at home never anything bad happened (we are ourselves introvert people, it's quiet here, not even a TV running, we do not have other pets that can be disturbing (have a fish tank which he loves, have hissing cockroaches of which he doesn't know), have no kids, visitors are not in his room). He's never been ill.
He also trusts me a lot: eats from my hands (took him however many months until he realized "hey, I can take this worms from that big being and it won't get angry but give even more!"), I can touch him everywhere (trained that with him a lot: lift a toe, put it back, touch tip of the nose, let him lick... we started with doing this just for 1 second, increased time... I can really touch any place on his body). I can put a harness on him, never any trouble with that - but I got him used to it very slowly with first just putting that harness next to him for a few seconds, later putting it on his back without actually closing it.
He's just shy and introvert. Usually very happy - bright colors, tail curved upwards - but ... introvert, independent. That guy won't run for me when I come home after work, he rather looks briefly like "okay, is there" (maybe not even head tilts, but those eyes more chameleon-style
) and again looks out of the window. Now likes to come out more of his enclosure, before was more "my home is my castle" and wanted out maybe once a week or ways less like once each two weeks.
Usually hesitates when there are new things. He trusts me, yes, but he doesn't trust well "stuff".
He's a guy who rarely goes for the food immediately when I put it in. He looks, gets brighter and eats it later. (A few weeks ago he started sometimes eating it immediately.)
He's bored after 1 - 5 minutes of snuggles - he's rather into exploring. Or watching me doing crafts or such - he can watch me one hour, two hours... doing woodwork on the balcony (he's then indoors, enclosure faces a window and the balcony door which is a window of the complete room height).
He might get something new for his enclosure or outside (I do this rarely as he doesn't like it, but in the beginning I added more) - might not come close to it for weeks, but then he likes it.
The day I brought him home, a 3 months old beardie, I put the box I picked him up with (reptile store is here in the city) opened into his enclosure as he backed off and I didn't want to force him out. He didn't leave that open box for half a day, instead clinging to the very back of the box. For sure not a "little guy crawling out, begging for food".
So, that guy is fine, healthy, no bad past
Just not a very outgoing personality.