Strange bump on scales of my dragon


Sub-Adult Member
Hi everyone! Me and my Petey hadn't been here in years, everything has been fine with him until recently. Petey is about 8yo now and recently had his first REAL brumation starting in about Dec until March. SOLID SLEEP! 😲 Until this time, the longest he ever slept was 2 weeks, usually a few days, wake up, eat, bask, poo and back to sleep for another few days.
This time he lost considerably weight and had me very worried. It took a few weeks before he'd do anything more than a couple bites, but as soon as he did, I doubled up on proteins to try to get him back to a stable weight. He was also very weak for a couple months. He's just now getting a little weight and strength back.
Before his brumation, I saw a spot about half way down his tail, that looked like stacked, stuck scales, like it never came off thru multi sheds. It's hard and rough, slightly smaller than a pencil eraser and darker than normal. He's just now going thru a full shed since he woke from brumation and it's still there. Any idea what it could be? It seriously looks like 6 layers of scale that didn't shed. But he's gained some bulk again and getting his strength back but this bump bothers me. I'm thinking warm baths a few times a week, soft toothbrush? Anything you can recommend to put in his bath water? He also has plugged femoral pores, for the first time.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! TYIA! ❤️

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry little Petey has had some trouble! Do you have any pictures of him, along with his tank setup you
could post so we can see his physical condition, etc.
I'm not sure what the bump on the tail could be. An injury possibly? An abscess can happen if he had
a bite from a cricket, etc. I hope he hasn't developed metabolic bone disease, which can cause a bump
on the tail, too.
What type/brand of UVB light are you using for him & which supplementation do you use for him?
Has he been black bearding recently? I'm glad to hear that he has regained some weight & getting
stronger now too.
Can you also show his femoral pores too so we can see what they look like.
Looking forward to seeing pictures of him.


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