Stink bug


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Help, I opened my little man’s cage to give him his greens and a stink bug fell in and he immediately ate it within seconds, are the poisonous. Should I be worried is there something I should give him. Or what should I expect in the next couple days?!
(Keep in mind all the vets in my area don’t take beardies and if they do they book months out, no emergency vets for reptiles)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It definitely couldn't have tasted good! Do you have any activated charcoal you could give?
If not, get some parsley, cilantro, mint & basil mixed up into a paste or slurry to give a couple
of times a day to try & detox him.
Let us know how he is doing.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

It definitely couldn't have tasted good! Do you have any activated charcoal you could give?
If not, get some parsley, cilantro, mint & basil mixed up into a paste or slurry to give a couple
of times a day to try & detox him.
Let us know how he is doing.

I’ll try that, I’ll have to run to the store tomorrow, he seems perfectly fine, his appetite is fine, poop is fine, no throwing up no excess saliva or anything. But I was wondering I should probably grab a dewormer to be safe, do you know of any brands or kinds I should get and how should I administer them? Thank you!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Ok, the fact that he physically seems to be doing fine is tell tale. He most likely would have already
been ill from ingesting the stink bug.
Are you going to Tractor Supply or Agmart, etc? Panacur 10% paste is readily available there but in
a large tube. You can definitely deworm him if needed though, it wouldn't hurt him.



Photo Comp Winner
Please let us know if he develops symptoms! That exact thing happened to me, but I got it out in time. Good lord, I HATE stink bugs and take great pleasure flushing them down the toilet.

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