Stewie Is Doing Worse

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Jiffy Addict
I dont know if you have a store called Tractor Supply or not, but they actually sell Nolvasan in their horse stuff. If you have one of those stores, go and look and see if it is the same concentration as what you are getting from the vet.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hmmm. we do have a store like Tractor Supply. Will check! It would save me gas too!

I don't know what's up with the vet people..for me it was the staff not the docs. Hear ya on the syringes! They came out with a bag full of stuff- that was the first thing I said- do I have enough syringes???? 5 for 5 meds..but still not quite enough when your feeding too. Ah well. :)

Ok but 3 oz of the Nolvasan?? For 3 weeks? :roll:

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

They sure are being stingy with their Nolvasan aren't they? Yeah try the tractor supply place, they should definitely have that there & in a huge gallon jug most likely. :D
I hope Stewie is doing well.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Update: Well..last night Stewie ate a superworm. Just one, but one nonetheless:) He is getting too fidgety to syringe feed, I can only assume that's good. But I am still feeding him. I decided to try the aloe on the top of his head again, and guess what? Bleeding under the scales the next morning. Grrr. The vet acted like it wasn't a bad thing because we were loosening up retained shed, but the sight of blood still makes you wonder whether or not you should keep doing it. He seriously needs to get that shed off, its been there sooo long. I don't want surgery to be the next thing on our agenda :shock:


Sub-Adult Member
Yay for the worm!! :blob5: :blob5: :blob5:

Bad about the shed....have you tried something like shed-eaze?...that's what i use on ollie because his sheds are thick and waxy....i've put it down to the adeno....It usually works a treat!

Good luck, i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Stewie!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
i have some that came with Elvis but haven't tried it. I think I will tho. I have been pondering adeno..I think I will read up on it. So far we have no real reason for Stewie being sick..its so weird.


Sub-Adult Member
Has he been tested for adeno? They often get parasites more often with adeno because of their lowered immune system, which is obviously why they get ill more often. Ollie's doing great now, we just have to disinfect and throughly scrub everything all the time!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Nope, never been tested. I have to think about it. we have had one superworm for breakfast, 5 wax worms for dinner and of course his baby food . Which he is less and less interested in. I think he prefers softer worms, so before I ordered butters I thought I'd try something I can get locally.
The farm store only had Nolvasan Ointment. :banghead: I had no more solution to use today at all, so I hope this doesn't hinder progress.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
They are supposed to see and then call me. I am going to call around today (soon) and if I can't find any than I guess its back to the vet for 3 little oz.... :roll:


Sub-Adult Member
I don't know how they get away with charging that much for medicine! They could clearly charge cheaper if the other place can charge cheaper!



Sub-Adult Member
I don't know how they get away with charging that much for medicine! They could clearly charge cheaper if the other place can charge cheaper!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Another Update: We caught Stewie eating his veggies yesterday..booger :mrgreen: He's had a worm here or there, not evryday. He has been much more alert and basking standing up on his front legs, instead of laying there black and sleepy. Yahhhh!!!! I quit giving him the Baytril over the weekend. I don't know why the vet wanted him to stay on it after we did bloodwork and nothing was wrong. I am fully prepared for the consequences if I have to re med him, but I just don't think he will need it. He has been MUCH better. He was getting to the point where he refused even the most delicious version of syringe feeds because he was sick of it. I still give him the Nolvasan baths. Funny thing happened too...he has SHED some of the old old stuff. And he shed on most of the places we were questioning had yellow fungus. The shed skin under his beard and neck was very yellowish..Hmm..and I don't know if that also could be because the Nolvasan made it turn weird (altho its blue) or if its because its old, or because it was yellow fungus on the skin. He goes back at the end of this week and if we can't get a good skin scrape they will want to do a biopsy. That will suck. I'm hoping for the green light home tho!


Sub-Adult Member
Aww I'm so happy that he's doing so well. That yellow skin thing is weird!

I hope that you get the green light too, and no biopsy!

Good luck Elaina + Stewie!

Dizzie, Stanley and Ollie send big beardie hugs :D

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