Stewie Is Doing Worse

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Oh- I had a thought- does it sound like Stewie's UV light may be going kaput? (as another possibility for his lethargy, eyes closed, not basking) Its not quite 4 months (Reptisun 10)

I have to order a new one for Lola this month..I guess I could just order both..but I hate retiring a good bulb if I don't need to.


Juvie Member
I would have been flipping out too! I'm happy he's doing better, even if it's just a little! Hopefully he'll start eating on his own and get that energy back up!


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Elaina,

Sorry to hear that Stewie was doing worse, but it's great that he's doing better :D!

It could be the UV...but then again it could be the baytril...?? Repti-suns are usually good for the 6 months.

Good Luck..



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Its tricky- I'll probably order the bulb and keep the other as a back up incase something happens.

Can we give Stewie the Leader in the category of Drama Award?? (or would that be me LOL)

Dragons of the Deep

Hatchling Member
Good luck with Stewie, I sure hope he pulls through! I'm with you all the way, and I bet a lot of others here are too. Keep fightin', Stewie!


Juvie Member
No need to apologize :wink: .........I'm sure alot of us on here flip out at times. I for one have.....alot!! We just worry about our babies when they're not feeling/acting like them self. I hope Stewie feels better real soon!!


diamc Sicko
Staff member
sure hope he continues to improve. Bet you couldn't believe how much better he acted while at the vets. Sometimes our adults act droopy like that but I think some of it is just boredom. Good luck & keep us updated. Oh, are you going to order the fluorescent UVB from Petmountain? They have the cheapest prices.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Great to hear that Stewie is doing better. :D Is he trying to scare us all??
Yeah if the UVB is older than 6 months, it would be best to change it.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the tip- didn't know about PetMountain. Should have seen that horny little bugger trying to get close to Miss Lola last night. We got the full song and dance!


Juvie Member
Elaina":7f3da said:
Thanks for the tip- didn't know about PetMountain. Should have seen that horny little bugger trying to get close to Miss Lola last night. We got the full song and dance!

LMAO...that is funny because even though Tyson is on an eating strike and tries to act like a slug...if I put Elah where he can see her he struts his stuff too. We call it the horny dance...I'm sure we're not original with that. :p

I'm glad to hear that Stewie seems to be doing better...even if he did make a fool of you at the vets, acting all perky and what not. The little stinker.



Sub-Adult Member
How is Stewie doing?
How much longer does he have to take the Baytril?
You are doing great. Keep it up and he will be back to normal soon.
Good luck


Juvie Member
Original Poster
He seems good to me, except he still doesn't want to eat on his own. Prolly spolied him too much and just loves the baby food! It looks to me that some of the lesions on his skin are sort of drying up or healing however they needed to, but his skin is kinda blue-ish from the Nolvasan, little hard to tell. He is taking .35 cc of the Baytril. We go back to the vet in two more weeks to re-check everything. He's not a big boy to begin with, so losing weight was bad. I think he's gaining still:)

I am confused about one thing. The Nolvasan is to be mixed 1tsp for every 6 ounces of water. So they gave me 3 oz of the solution, and I mixed it in his bath, measured it each time, and went through it in less than a week. I even used less a few times because I was running out. I called the vet and asked them if I understood the directions..yes I did..and well I needed more. One girl was like, maybe you can use a more shallow dish and you will use less. I'm thinking-I would use a more shallow dish if it would actually cover my beardie well enough to feel like he is getting fully soaked (only up to his sides when he not even deep ya know?) So finally they gave me more, another girl (who I believe has a little more knowledge) said take the 3 oz and mix it a gallon of water and your all set. Awesome! NOT. I'm almost out and this stuff is like 9.50 a bottle. I have two weeks to go that I have to do these soaks. Why are they skimping on the quantity here? It takes about 8 cups to halfway fill a 9x13 dish in which to be enough. I have to go get more. Am I missing some thing here?


Sub-Adult Member

Why are they bothered if you need more or not?? It's your money (bad for you!!) they're the ones gaining, you've asked them if you're doing it right and they've agreed so it's not like you're doing anything wrong. Jeez, why do these people want to make our lives difficult, it's like when Diesel was ill the vet gave me like two syringes which were meant to be used for like 3 different meds, i was like can i at least have one syringe for each med?? And i was paying, so why did he care?

Anyways, glad to hear that Stewie seems ok.

Hope you don't go through so much of the bathing stuff! $$$

Nikki :D
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